Chapter 1: Just the Beginning

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Y/Ns pov

You where walking around your house chasing the kids you were taking care of that were your siblings and they were being bratty to you

"This sucks"

You where getting tired and you didn't want to be with your siblings instead you wanted to be out with your friends to go try to find the demons that haunt the town but you thought it was fake and then a sibling of yours pokes your leg and looks up you kindly she was about 4 or 5 and she had blond hair that reached her shoulders with bangs and blue eyes and she had a pink dress on and she asks

"Can I have some milk?"

You absolutely love your little sister and you grab a cup and smile at her

"Of course Helena"

You then get out the milk then the Chocolate syrup because she loves it chocolate

"Today's a special day Helena! You get chocolate milk!"

She smiles and she sits there waiting for the milk and you mix up the chocolate syrup and milk and then it's a good light brown color and you get a straw and put it in the cup and hand it to her and she speaks

"Thanks sissy!"

You smile and you warmly pat her head and then you hear something break and you run into the living room and the two twins John and Josh knocked a vase down

"john josh!!!"

You yell and you run over and grab the nerf guns out of their hands and they try to grab it and you hold it over your head

"Nope! They are mine!"

They start whining like they are three but they are 8 years old and then you hear your younger sister that's 13 years old sister scream


you hear her curse and then you stomp up the stairs and kick her door open and she screams and then it was silent and you came downstairs and dusted yourself off and you have a slight grin on your face

"Good job Y/N"

You pat yourself on the back and smile and then walk around the house picking up the nerf bullets that were left everywhere and eventually you hear the baby crying and you yell to your 13 year old sister

"Change the baby's diaper!"

She yells back and says


"Thanks ray!"

Her name was Ray and you hear her go to the baby and soon there was silence to much silence you go and check on the boys and they are dancing around in your bras outside their shirt


they scream and you chase after them trying to get your bras back from them but they are to fast and then eventually they gave them back and you smacked their heads

"Never again!"

They nodded and headed to their rooms and you finally hear your dad parking in the lot and you were relived and you go out and greet him

"Hey dad!"

"Hey baby! How were the kids?"

You gave a disgusted look and shivered and thought about the boys in your bras and you seem stuck with the disgusted look on your face and then your dad chuckles

"Horrible. Got it!"

He walked past you and you followed him behind and we walked back in and it was quiet and it was late so it wouldn't be much of a surprise they are asleep and you sigh and nearly faint

"Damn what siblings..."

Your dad gave you a look and you moved away and chuckled nervously

"It's time for bed go ahead and go sleep"

You nod and you go and hug your dad tightly and kiss his cheek

"Goodnight dad!"

You run upstairs and open your door only to see your closet open and you close it and you flop on your bed and sigh and eventually you close your eyes falling asleep

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