i - secrets

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I was walking down the rain stained streets of San Francisco, the back pack digging into my shoulders. 

I kept my head down as I strode through the alleyways, scouting the bins for food, I found a big mac in its package only bitten a few times. 

My eyes glowed in success, it was like finding a jack pot, I found myself a little corner and feasted on the cold burger. 

The wind was harsh on my skin as it passed by, dead leaves flew in its current and they went up and up in a false state of hope then they dove down onto the wet ground, where they would be forgotten. 

I felt just like those dead leafs, forgotten. 

Marcus went to scavenge the trash for food yesterday, he told me to wait for him, he said he was going to be right back. 

I remember waiting and waiting, I watched the sun fall down below the horizon, the stars shone into the sky and the moon lit the earth with a low glow. 

I remember counting my shaky breaths, I remember loosing count, the numbers mushed together in my exhausted state. 

He was never this late, he would always make it back by sunset, I kept trying to convince myself that he would come back, that I would blink and he would be walking towards me with a grim smirk on his face, maybe with food in his hand. 

I laid on the hard concrete that night, I shivered against the chill of the night air, I curled into a ball and I stayed up for hours trying to fall asleep, I finally reached some sort of state of slumber, but it wasn't deep. 

I would wake at the smallest of sounds, tingling hope stinging in my chest as I looked around, checking if Marcus was back. 

The alley was dark, and he wasn't there. 

I would spend the next minutes trying to will myself back into sleep, haunting dreams crawling over my mind and into my vision. 

I woke up at dawn with sweat dripping down my back, as nightmares faded from my mind. 

I got up and swallowed my self pity, feeling bad for myself wasn't going to get me anywhere. 

Then I walked and walked and now I was here, sitting in a corner, eating a cold burger. 

Did he have enough of me? Was I that annoying? Maybe he didn't want to share the food, or maybe he thought I was pathetic. 

Theories flooded my mind, causing anxiety to clench onto my lungs and squeeze until I couldn't breathe.

Suddenly my appetite dissipated and I was no longer hungry, I stared at the half eaten burger and I crumbled it into its wrapper and stuffed it into my bag. 

At least I had something to eat later, I sighed into the cold air as it bit at my senses, I wrapped my arms around my legs and placed my head onto my knees. 

I stayed still for as long as I could, maybe if I stayed still enough, everything would disappear and Marcus would be back with me, curling into me, his body heat radiating off of him and warming me up. 

His arms around my figure and his face tucked in my neck, his ratty blue jacket which I loved so much, he didn't find what I liked about it but liked to wrap it around us when nights were extra rough. 

I felt my cheeks getting damp and I realized I was crying, I wiped the tears dry with my sleeve and stopped tearing up. 

I stood up abruptly, I needed to find a decent place to sleep without waking up to creepy men eyeing me from the corners of the alleys.

Marcus Lopez  Arguello Imagines - Deadly ClassHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin