Chapter Forty-Four | Wedding

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Vivienne pushed around her food, no longer feeling hungry. How many more people was she going to lose? If it hurt so much, should she stop letting people into her heart in the first place? But even as the thought crossed her mind, she knew that was no way to live. 

She did not hear the soft chatter around her anymore. It was the warm hand on her shoulder that shook her from her thoughts.

"Are you alright dear?" Lady Cowper asked, her brows wrinkling in concern.

Vivienne nodded politely, "Yes."

The countess did not look convinced, but she wiped the corner of her napkin gracefully. "Well then, you better get up, the bride and groom are leaving."

Vivienne looked around and realized that most of the guests had already gotten up and left, presumably to greet the couple one last time before their departure. Hurrying, she exited the dining room, making her way outside. She spied Fiona, now Viscountess Berkeley greeting the guests around her. Vivienne stood at the end of the line, closest to Lady Headfort and Fiona's brother.

She saw the tears in the corner of Lady Headfort's eyes even as Marquess Headfort tried counselling his mother.

"She'll be fine," he said a bit gruffly and Vivienne smiled. She knew that Fiona's brother was also worried about his sister but doing his best to keep his mother strong.

Fiona quickly approached her and clasped Vivienne's hands, "Thank you for being my bridesmaid today."

Vivienne shook her head, "No, it was my honour, seeing you up there marry the man of your dreams."

Fiona leaned in closer, and Vivienne inhaled her friend's light floral scent. "It's not too late you know."

Vivienne's smile wavered, "It is, but do not worry about me."

Fiona pulled her in for a hug and whispered into her ear, "He may not know his true feelings yet. You know gentlemen can often be obtuse, but his eyes could not help but track your every movement, even at my wedding." she said the last few words humorously.

There was a burst of hope upon hearing Fiona's words, but Vivienne crushed it down right away. The words were similar to the ones she uttered to Fiona when her friend had told her about her argument with Lord Berkeley. She never thought they would be used against her.

Vivienne smiled as she gave her friend one last fleeting hug before promising to visit her in the summer. She watched as Lord Berkeley helped Fiona into the carriage and then they were off, waving to the crowd from the small windows.

She felt him before seeing him, the back of her neck prickling once more.

"I see that you have not brought the earl's carriage today, may I escort you home?"

She froze, not turning around. They had been in each other's vicinity all day but had not spoken directly until now. Vivienne had been aware of him at every turn, and she had caught his gaze more than once today.

"I can take a hackney back," she said politely. She had taken a hackney to church after Lady Westmorland told her the carriage was indisposed of. After the church, she had ridden with Fiona's mother to their house. What difference would it make to use a hackney again?

"Vivienne," he said roughly, she spun around at his tone of voice. "Don't be foolish, I have a perfectly well ducal carriage that can take you back."

Vivienne turned her nose in the air, "Well, I wouldn't want to be a burden on anyone, so please forgive me for not accepting your offer, Your Grace."

His brown eyes blazed, turning them into an ember hue. Determination lit his gaze as he pulled something from his pocket, it was her pendant.

She gasped; hands outstretched but he held it away from her grasp. The pendant danced between them, twinkling in the light. "Where did you get that from? I demand that you return it to me at once!"

He looked down at her, casually pocketing the pendant in the inner pocket of his coat. "I will answer all your questions and return your property after we arrive back at your uncle's house in my carriage."

Vivienne looked around them, there were a few lords and ladies looking at them curiously which is why she knew she could not make a scene. Glancing back at James, she saw the satisfaction in his eyes, he knew that he had won. Biting her teeth sharply, she ignored James' outstretched elbow and followed him to his carriage.

Before he had a chance to help her in, she gripped the inner lining and tried slipping in, only for her gloved fingers to fumble and nearly fall out. Warm hands rested on her hips as James steadied her. She let them linger for a second, remembering the feelings of when he had kissed her before she banished those thoughts as well.

He settled in across from her, both taking a moment to look at each other. The moment broke when James rapped the top of the carriage, and they were off. They sat in silence. It was almost a game, Vivienne thought, seeing who would break their vow first.

"I assumed that I would be seeing your betrothal announcement to Gronow." he said finally.

Her sense of triumph of getting him to speak first quickly waned at his question. "Well, you assumed wrong," she snapped, frustrated that this was the second time today she was forced to answer questions about the captain. 

James merely raised an eyebrow at her outburst, not saying anything else. Vivienne looked out the window, choosing to watch the streets of London instead of the man before her. He frustrated her to no end. He had truly hurt her feelings but a part of her knew he had not meant to do so. She had seen the evidence in the ways he cared for her, such as dismissing Chrissy or taking her in at Chalcott manor in the first place.

"My mind was clouded in anger at that moment," James admitted. "I apologize. I did not get the chance to say that earlier as we did not share a moment alone, but it was long overdue."

Vivienne swung her gaze from peering outside to look at him. His brown gaze, which normally was so dark, seemed lighter as honesty filled his expression. He continued on, "My words were hurtful, but I did not mean them as such. You brought a light in my life that I didn't know was missing Vivienne," he said her name so softly that her heart couldn't help but ache with his words.

She wanted to stay mad and be angry with him, but she knew it would not do anyone good, holding this grudge within her. His words had been a direct conflict of his actions and she understood the brief anger he must have felt. She sighed, "I forgive you."

There was relief, but also gratitude in his eyes. The carriage rolled to a stop—they had arrived at her uncle's house. She almost wished they had spent more time together; the seconds seem to speed up whenever she was with him.

"Close your eyes," he whispered, the words dark and low.

She eyed him suspiciously.

He gave her a small smile that softened his angular features. Her breath caught but she did as he asked. She was aware of him moving closer to her as he brushed her hair to the side. A weight settled in between her breast, as the pendant hugged her neck. He clasped the locket, brushing a small kiss at the nape of her neck when he finished. Vivienne shivered, wanting to arch her back and lean into him, instead she breathed in his clean scent.

"Be free," he whispered, before letting her go, and moving back to his spot in the carriage.

The moment broke and Vivienne opened her eyes, hoping to catch James' gaze but he was staring out the window, avoiding her. She clenched her jaws but understood the message clearly. The conversation between them was over.

The carriage door opened as a footman came to assist her, she stepped out, but not before looking at James, memorizing his features. She was unsure when she would next see him. "Thank you for returning it to me," she said, touching the pendant between her neck.

His head dipped slightly, and that was the only response she received. Turning away, she began walking the steps to her uncle's house, wishing instead that she went home with James. Oh, what foolish thoughts she continued to have, but she could not stop them, even if they were to be her ultimate downfall. The heart wanted what it wanted. And her heart wanted James.    


Poor Vivienne, she feels so alone and then James also set Vivienne free. But he did return the necklace and apologize. What do you think about that? Also, a special dedication and thank you to x-cherries-x for the beautiful drawing of Vivienne at the top!

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