Everyone started whispering once no words came out of the hat's mouth.

McGonagall's expression changed as she flicked her wand and a potion appeared in her hand. She gave it for her to drink and in a couple of seconds, 'Mione spoke,


Gasps were all around the hall as Hermione shyly got up and started to head towards the table. On the other hand, I saw Pansy getting up from the Slytherin table with a slight blush on her face.

I smiled to myself at the sight of this knowing they both had a huge crush on each other.

Soon, many were getting sorted. Ginny got with Harry— which she was beyond happy, Luna with Blaise—unexpected, but they can form an adorable couple. Ron was with Lavender, which he was surprised about since they had broken up in sixth year.

Broken up, enemies or whatever, they still were soulmates.

"Elara Weasley" McGonagall announced, finally.

It's time. I will be okay.

Sighing, I got up from my seat and walked up to the stool at the front— with many curious eyes on me. Sitting dow, the nerves in my body are starting to act up— resulting in me sweating. McGonagall flashed me a smile while putting the hat on my head.

Hopefully I get someone who will understand me.

"Hmm this is different. This might shock you, but believe it— you are definitely soulmates" The hat spoke.

My breathing started getting heavier along with my heart beat by minute as the hat spoke. What did it mean about it coming as a shock to me? Was I going to get paired up with Cormac? Marcus Flint? Please no!

No I'll be fine! My soulmate won't be that bad, I mean unless I get Dra-

"DRACO MALFOY" The hat roared.

Suddenly I couldn't breathe. My breath hitched in my throat as I heard his name come out of the hat's mouth. This cannot possibly be correct, I mean Draco Malfoy of all people? My soulmate?! There must be something wrong with this hat. Look at it, it's literally over hundred years old. It's out of it's mind!

Dreading, I look up to see everyone's shocked expressions as most of them have their jaws practically out of their face— even McGonagall's. Slowly, my eye travel over to the Slytherin table to see him looking at me with a death glare. He's looking at me like I wanted this! Without making eye contact with anyone, I get up from the stool and walk over to the table to sit down. Ginny and Ron instantly try to comfort me as I'm still trying to process all this.

"Draco fucking Malfoy. Why him of out of all people?" I say, angrily.

"I'm so sorry El" Hermione speaks patting my shoulder.

"It's okay, he's my bloody soulmate isn't he?" I scoff in disbelief.

"My sister isn't marrying an ex-death eater!" Ron sneers.

"It's either that or forgetting all about you all. The universe really loves me you know" I fake laugh.

I'm laughing to hide the pain.

Harry opens his mouth to say something when McGonagall speaks up right before,

"To make you more comfortable with your new partners, you will be placed in an apartment dorm with them. I will now give you the keys. All your belongings have already been put in your new dorms. You are now dismissed." She says as she flicks her wand and keys land in front on the table.

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