Billy and Laura found out the news through the TV. "Grace, you see the news?" She was on the phone with Grace. "I can't believe they got engaged and didn't tell us. Why are we finding out like this?" Billy was trying to process it. He didn't know whether to be happy or upset that they didn't tell them. "I am livid. We should've been the first to know. But we find out like everyone else. Unbelievable— you do that and I'll be sure to call her" she said before getting off the phone. "How could this be? How could they be engaged without telling us? Why are we finding out like everyone else?" Billy had no answer for any of her questions. "I have no idea sweetheart. I wish I did but I don't. I'm just as disappointed. We should've been the first to know just like you told Grace. We shouldn't be finding out like this. To me it's a low blow" he said. "Definitely a low blow" she tried to get a hold of Olivia but her phone went straight to voicemail. "So now she has her phone turned off?! I'm so livid. I can't wait to be in her presence" she stormed off with Billy sighing. He sent Spencer a message Call me now!

Abel was smoking a blunt with his XO crew/friends while sitting on the couch. "Damn that escalated" Cash said. "Yup.." he took another hit before passing it on. "Have you talked to Sel since your run in at the reception?" Abel shook his head no. "Do you plan on it?" He shrugged "honestly bro, I don't know..." he said. "I feel like you shouldn't. She fucked you over. The bitch left you—" Abel cut Lamar off "don't you call her that" he said with a stern look on his face. "My bad bro..." Lamar said to him. "That was 8 years ago. Bro you're 35 now, you shouldn't be holding grudges against her or anything. You're total different people now" he told his friend. "Is it true that you beat Justin's ass is what I need to know" Sal said. "Bro, you already know I beat his ass and I'll do it again" Abel said. "As you fucking should. Justin probably shit his pants" they laughed except for Abel. "If it wasn't for Spencer, I would've killed that foo'" he said through his teeth. "Easy.. Justin isn't worth it" Lamar told him. "Truth, we all know he's jealous of you and at the end of the day Sel is still feeling you" Cash told him. "Yeah, I highly doubt it but I don't care, I have Rochelle" he said. "Careful, she's gonna empty your bank account. We all know she's a gold digger" Cash told him. "She's my gold digger then" he took a sip of his Hennessy. "You crazy" Sal laughed before continuing "I must say, Selena looked like a sad puppy dog when she saw you two kiss" he continued to laugh. "You saw that too?" Lamar asked Sal who nodded. "For real?" Abel was curious with both of his crew members nodding. "Bro why you think she ran out? Rochelle mentioning Justin was just an excuse for her to hide her jealousy" Abel was silent. "She probably gonna write Lose You To Love Me 2.0" they all laughed but Abel. "She can do that, I could careless. I'll write Wasted Times 2.0 then. Fuck with me please.." he said softly before hitting the blunt again. "Yeah she don't want those problems" Sal said.

"Babe? Are you sure you want to stay in? I know after last night—" Selena cut her off "I don't want to talk about it" Raquelle nodded. "Go have fun. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. Besides, I'm tired.." Selena said to her roommate/best friend Raquelle who was going out with friends. "Well get some rest babe. Please text me if you need anything" Selena nodded and faked a smile before her friends left. She sighed before pulling out her phone to FaceTime her long time best friend, Taylor Swift. "How was the wedding? I was invited but I'm focused on my music" Taylor told her. "The wedding was awful but afterwards wasn't..." Taylor noticed her best friend looked sad. "What, why?" Selena began to explain everything. "It was so fucking awkward. Like, if I would've known my ex's were gonna be there I wouldn't have showed up. Both Justin and Abel were there" Selena said. "Wow, that's very awkward" Taylor said. "Tell me about it. And I can't stand Abel's girlfriend. She's such a bitch..." Taylor giggled. "What's funny?" Taylor shrugged "someone seems a little jealous of Abel's girlfriend" Taylor said. "Yeah, like totally" Selena was sarcastic. "Come on, don't deny it. You and I both know that Abel was your best ex. He's that ex that you regret making into your ex" Taylor said. "Maybe... maybe not" she sat down and sighed. "Sel, don't be denial. You can fool your other best friends but certainly you can't fool me. I know when you're lying. I know you better than anyone. I know you miss him. Also, I didn't know he had a girlfriend but I can certainly say that he's probably trying to make you jealous. The only woman Abel would've married would've been Bella Hadid but she isn't you. None of these women are you. Just talk to him. Go out of your comfort zone. Be fearless. You deserve love just as much as anyone else. Don't be a pussy" Selena broke in a giggle. "I'm serious. Don't be a pussy, go get your man Sel" Selena tried to hide her smile but failed.

Layla was freshening up with a smile on her face. She walked out of the bathroom in lingerie. "Hey babe" she said. Darnell was on his phone playing a game. "Baby?" She was standing in a sexy pose trying to get his attention. "Seriously? A sexy girl is posing in lingerie and you aren't paying her any attention, cool...." He looked up from his phone "my bad, I'm not trying to lose my game" he told her. "So your game is more important? I see" she shook her head before walking to the bed, sitting down with her back facing him. "Don't be dramatic baby" he got out of bed, setting his phone down. He walked to the bathroom, closing the door behind him. She shook her head hearing his phone vibrate. She looked over her shoulder. She then looked back at the door. Finally she turned her body and grabbed his phone to see who was texting him. She clenched her jaw before gripping his phone before waiting impatiently for him to come out the bathroom, feeling her blood boiling.


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