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To take part in this applyfic,you must follow all of these rules.

General Rules

1.Please do follow me 😅 As I keep giving updates on my conversation tab,so that you can receive them...and I would really appreciate it 😊

2. Add this book to your public reading list.

3. Be friendly with your fellow trainees,and let's have a lovely competition 💖

4.I will add a few character on my own (for drama👀)

5.Some of you might be my friends,but I am going to be really unbiased haha😂 Let's just have fun! No hard feelings :)

6.No reservations,please send in your form directly so that there will be no confusions.

Trainee Guidelines

1. Your trainee can be of any ethnicity and nationality.

2.Make sure that they fall anywhere under years 1998-2008

3.No Mary Sues. Idols are humans too,so give careful thought about their strengths and weaknesses.

4. You can have upto 2 trainees.

5.You can create a sweet angel like character or a drama loving one👀 it's up to you. It would make a great storyline.

6.I will add a few character on my own (for drama👀)

7. Since this is going to be an MNET Show,there might be evil editing,I hope you understand. But don't worry,no injustice will be done to any of the characters💖

8.Try to be active, I would need only 1 or 2 minutes of your time for every episode. I will ensure you have fun 😊 In case something comes up,please send me a personal message,we will find a way out✨

I might add some rules later if necessary,and I will let you know of the additions, don't worry👍

By taking part in this applyfic,you agree to all the above rules.

I-Land Season 2(Applyfic)Where stories live. Discover now