Me jealous? N E V E R

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Marlena/Maja POV:

I found Damiano starring at me ... to not make this awkward I told everyone that I'll go to my room to get ready.

I was still pretty insecured about myself and a little suspicious of this whole thing. I think the others noticed how "shy" I was. At least vic tried to have more convos where I had to talk more, which I obviously tried to not have.

I did a little more makeup now and then opened my hair. Now I was ready to meet the others in the lobby.

I got to the lobby but no one was there, so I sat down somewhere on the floor, yes I said floor, and remembered a song I started to write 4 years ago.
The song was kind of a reason why I left... I was jealous.

Jealous of what? Of other families, other people, everyone.
Everyone was living the perfect life.
My life was the worst. Nobody really cared neither did they notice I had it bad. I had like 2 real friends and that's it. My parents told me what to do and we acted like a perfect family to others. My brother wasn't much better. He did drugs and stuff like that even though he was younger than me.

Always when I thought about my family I drank. Just so I forgot. I started at 15 and that's why I can drink without any problem. I just hate drinking because that remembers me of my days back then.

Anyways. The song, I had written and still got the melody in my head, was called jealousy, jealousy (original is by Olivia rodrigo)

"I'm so sick of myself
I'd rather be, rather be
Anyone, anyone else
But jealousy, jealousy
Started followin' me
Started followin' me"

I sang quietly to myself.

"Whatcha singing about?" I heard a voice. I immediately turned my head to where the voice came from and my eyes widened. "Oh- that? Nothing-" I pressed my lips together.
"Oh come on marlena! I know you're lying!"
"I'm not, damiano, okay?" "I still don't belive you but for now it's fine." Damiano said. "So. Where are the others?" I asked. I really didn't want this convo right now.
"They said they would be down here soon."
"Okay great. Imma just head somewhere and I'll be right back." I told him in a cheering up voice and pointed finger guns at him. That was very awkward....

I went to the lady's room next to the check-in. I stared at myself in the mirror as if I had gone crazy. I splashed some of the water into my face to freshen up. Lucky me, I had water proof makeup on:). "Okay maj-" I shook my head fast. "Marlena," I corrected. "Calm down. Your only going to catch up with your old friends. Nothing big. You don't have to explain anything. They won't bite you." I told myself.

I then got out of the bathroom and went back to the lobby. There was now the whole band. "Marlenaaa" Vic shouted when she saw me.  Then she jumped on my to hug me. Weird. "Vicc" I said overwhelmed. "Let's go! Btw you don't know about the plan changes. So it's a surprise where we're going!!" Vic said in hype.
"Okay whatever." I said as if I wouldn't mind. But irl I knew that were probably going to drink a lot of alcohol. Or do something weird that we would do when we were teens. That's exactly what I didn't want. But hey! I'm seeing my old bffs. Yippie.

We arrived at a club, how surprising. But a thing that was special, was that we also had a VIP room. "Here we are!" Thomas shouted. I walked in and heard a song that was very familiar. It took me a while to realize what song it was. "Hey... Thomas? Is this-?" He nodded. How the fuck did they get it? I didn't release this. "How did you get it?" I said worried. Thomas just sealed his mouth as if he locked it with a key. Gosh

I ran to Vic. "How the fuck did you get this song?!" I shook her. She did the same thing as Thomas but she also threw the imaginary keg away. "Okay if you're not gonna tell me, I'm just gonna assume you went to my hotel room and stole it. And if I'm honest, I don't think that that is okay." Vic looked at me regretful. Almost as if  she would start crying. "I'm so sorry! I just- this song- it got me and we had to-" "we? Who is we?" Vic stayed quiet. "The whole band knows? Who else? The world?" I said sarcastically. "What? No! Just the band. I'm so sorry..." "and when did you get it" I asked. "Definitely not today when you went to the bathroom..." she looked at her feet. "And how the fuck did you get in?!" "Your keys fell out of your pocket when you got to the lobby. Dam' found them, gave them to me and then Thomas, Ethan and I got into your room and found it." "And why did you want my key?" I asked confused.

"We wanted to know if you still love Damiano."

A/n: sorry for not updating in a while:/

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