Chapter 13: Love

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'Let's meet up. -LYX'. Sent. 

Woah! What am I thinking? Why did I send it? I'm dead right now. I put my phone down. More like I threw it.

"Yuxin, are you okay?" Jiejie asked me.

"Don't mind me jie."

"Hao ba. I'll now send the email to Wang Group." She told me.

I finally agreed. I don't think it's a bad idea to work with her besides we are friends. Nothing could go wrong, right? Why am I convincing myself? I'm going crazy. I shouldn't have sent her that message. What should I do if she declines it? But what if she accepts it?

New message!

'Okay with me. Send me the address and I'll go there.' Y/N

Is this for real? What should I do? What am I really thinking?!

I quickly ask my manager to book me a reservation in a restaurant. I told her that I'll be meeting up with Y/N. She was surprised at first that I knew her. I told her that we met in Prague and we are friends. She helped me and in no time, everything's set with the reservation. I sent Y/N the address and she agreed to meet me up around 7 PM. I can't believe I'll be meeting her after a long time. I am quite nervous, to be honest, but I feel elated to see her.


I got it! Yuxin and AMG agreed. What thrilled me was Yuxin's message. Our meeting is earlier than expected but I am not complaining though. I'm glad she initiated it. I am on my way to the address that she sent me. I'm excited to see her again. I was assisted until I reached the door that would lead me to where I could see her. I thanked the person and bid goodbye. I was fine earlier but now that I am just a step away from seeing her suddenly all the memories we had in Prague just came back and I am becoming nervous. I stood at the door longer as I was contemplating if I would go inside or just forget it. But I'm already here either way I would be communicating to her from this day forward about the collaboration. I was about to open the door when it opened.

"Y/N," She greeted me. She looks surprised too.

"Hi!" I was caught off guard. Why am I suddenly getting nervous around her?

"Hello!" She replied. I was looking at her. I still can't believe it. "Let's get inside. Shall we?" She continued.

"Hao." I responded.

We were seated across from each other. We were staring at each other for a while when she started the conversation.

"It's been a long time." Yuxin told me.

"Yeah, how are you?" I asked her.

"I'm okay. How about you?" She replied.

"I'm good. I just arrived last night. By the way, thank you for accepting the proposal." I told her.

"No problem. We can work together now." She responded. I missed how genuine her eyes are.

"I will do my best to make sure that the collaboration will be a success." I told her.

"I will work hard too." She said and I nodded. Our food arrived and we started eating. I know that Yuxin's taking glances at me.

"Is there something on my face?" I asked her awkwardly.

"There's none. I missed you, Y/N." She said in her most gentle voice. I felt it. It was so genuine.

"I missed you too, Yuxin." God knows how much I want to see her.

"I've been wanting to say it earlier." She said.

"God knows how much I missed you. When you left, I felt like I lost a friend. Though I know you have your reason. I'm sorry if I didn't reply to your messages. I was not okay at that time."

"I understand. You don't have to apologize."

"Yuxin, I hope we can start again. Meeting you in Prague and becoming your friend, know that I cherish that so much."

"I don't want to be just your friend," Yuxin told me. I was confused at first but is it too much to think that she still feels the same way?

"Yuxin," I said softly.

"Kun told me everything. I won't let you go. Not anymore. Whatever it takes." She told me.

I stood up and got to Yuxin's seat and hugged her from behind.

"I thought I am too late." I hugged her tight and I know my tears are uncontrollable. She stood up and wiped my tears away.

"There was never a day I didn't think of you, Y/N. I wonder what you were doing every day. Hoping that one day, I'll get to see you again. I even saw you staring at my ads yesterday. "

"You did? Why didn't you get my attention though?" I chuckled.

"Because I know I will see you again when it's the right time." She answered.

"I want this to work out. I will protect you, us, no matter what. I swear." I said to her.

"Same here. I can't promise that there won't be tough times but I will see to it that I will always be here for you, love." Did she just say love?

"Love?" I was surprised. I know she is not used to this.

"You like that? Is it too cheesy?" She asked me.

"I thought you are not fond of endearments," I responded.

"Not when it comes to you. Can I call you my love?"

"That's, of course." I told her.

"I love you, Y/N."

"I love you, Yuxin." Yuxin held my face and caressed it.

"I've been waiting for this day and I'm happy right now. Finally, we're together."

"I feel the same way, love. I will make up for the time that we should be together. Thank you for waiting for me. I couldn't ask for anything else." I told her.


Yuxin leaned forward. Y/N closed her eyes. She felt Yuxin's soft lips brushed onto hers. In no time, their lips were dancing in sync and they felt each other's heartbeats. The kiss is full of passion, love, and longing. As the kiss deepens Y/N felt that they both need to gasp for air so she broke the kiss. They stared at each other eyes. Their lips were full of smiles. They are happy that finally, they are together. There were times that both of them wanted to give up thinking that maybe they were not for each other but every time they think of their memories together they were back to square one. Fate can be cruel sometimes but just like the saying goes if it's meant to be it will be. 


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