That Could Be Us

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"Morning.." He greeted her once again, properly this time. "Are you hungry? I made you some french toast."

"I'm starving." She grinned ear-to-ear, loving the feeling of being pampered by him. She could really get used to this, waking up everyday to find him cooking her some breakfast. Maybe they were ready for the next step, moving in together?

It didn't sound so bad after all.

After breakfast, Rachel took a shower while he was getting ready to work. He explained to her earlier as they ate their breakfast that he was being called to the museum for some 'fossil emergency', apparently there was a missing fossil in the museum and they were trying to find the culprit.

As Rachel hopped into a shower, suddenly she felt really really sick. She quickly ran to the toilet and threw up everything she ate that morning. Hearing her, Ross quickly came to the bathroom to make sure she was okay.

"Geez, Rach." Ross rushed into her side and held her hair as she continued to throw up every last bit of her breakfast. "Are you okay?" He said as he helped her to sit.

"Ugh. I don't feel good." Rachel's face was pale and she was shaking.

"Okay, let's get you to bed."

He helped her get dressed and then tucked her in on his bed. He took a thermometer and placed it in between her armpits. He then grabbed her a glass of water and she drank it. After she was done, he checked the thermometer once again and it showed that her temperature was normal.

"I think I have food poisoning." She said weakly.

"Yeah it's most likely." Ross said as he sat by her side and rubbed her tummy as he did so. "And I thought you were pregnant or something." He said half-jokingly.

If her face was already pale before he blurted that, now her face was as white as a ghost.

Only then it hit her that she hadn't got her period yet and she was rarely late.

Noticing the change of her demeanour, he asked, "What?" She bit her lips, not knowing how to tell him this without freaking him out. But she didn't need to say anything, because a few seconds later he realized what caused her expression to change drastically. "A-are you?"

"I don't know." She replied softly. "I mean I haven't had my period yet and it's a week late."

Without his consent, a smile took form on his lips. The thought of having a baby with her sent him over the moon. He wouldn't lie if that moment he wished that it was true that she was pregnant. If she did, he could already imagine himself proposing to her on that planetarium where they had their first night together. And maybe Fred Astaire's 'The Way You Look Tonight' would be played in the background and there would be the words 'will you marry me?" written across the star as he told her to look up. He could already imagine their entire future together that minute he heard the possibilities of her being pregnant with their baby.

Ross' daydreaming was cut short when he heard her calling his name.

"Ross?" Her voice was so little, she sounded scared unlike him.

His face softened when he saw fear in her eyes. He knew he was ready to start a family with her, but it looked like she wasn't and he understood that. She just started this new job at Bloomingdales and having a baby right now might be bad timing for her career.

"Hey.." He rested his hand on her cheeks. "It's going to be okay."

She finally let out a small smile, though she was petrified at the idea of being pregnant, she knew no matter what he was going to be there for her and it soothed her for now knowing that.

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