Vlogs - Technoblade

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ty KnightTimeNow for the request! :D

y/b/n: your besties name
y/f/r: your favorite restaurant
this was dumb and sweet, I liked the idea <3


"I'm not to sure about this.." Techno said.

You laughed, squeezing his hand just a little bit tighter. "You'll be fine Techno. It'll be fun, she isn't that bad."

He grumbled a bit, but didn't press any further.

You were currently sitting in a café, waiting for your best friend to get here. She was a vlogger, and insisted on filming with you the day before she went out of town. 

Y/b/n had met your boyfriend awhile ago, and approved (thankfully). He was a bit nervous still, almost as nervous as he was when he first met her.

Lets just say that night was...memorable. (i'll let you use ur imagination)

Just then, the door to the café chimed, and in stepped y/b/n.

Her face lit up when she spot you two, hurriedly making her way over to you, sitting across from you and Technoblade.

"Hey y/n! I'm so happy you agreed, you have no idea." She said. putting her bag down and settling.

"Oh yeah, no problem." You said, taking a sip of the boba that you and Techno were sharing.

"Soo..I was thinking that after we're done here, we can go walk around a bit. I can film some stuff," She explained. "Then we can go get lunch at y/f/r, because I know its your favorite." She said, wiggling her eyebrows.

You both laughed, and even Techno let out a chuckle.


You've been walking around for awhile when y/b/n suggested you go get lunch.

She had gotten some good material for her vlog. The walk was more eventful then what you thought it would be.

The three of you went to go feed ducks, and y/b/n ended up getting chased by a really mean goose, that ended up biting her in the ass. (true story actually- when I was like 9 i was feeding geese, and when i ran out of bread, one chased and bit me 😞)

Around half an hour later, Techno slipped, and almost fell in the water. It was funny to watch him struggle to get back up the hill, but of course you helped.

Now you were eating lunch and talking, and you were surprised that Technoblade was engaging in the conversation so much. You were happy though, it was nice to see him talk outwardly.

After you finished, you all made your way out of the restaurant, and towards the small lake that was by it.

When you were there, Techno ended up bumping into you and you both fell into the mud. You both laughed and tried to get it off of you as much as possible.

Y/b/n, of course, was laughing her ass off. She looked like she was about to drop the camera into the water.

Annoyed, you flicked some of the mud onto her shirt.

She stopped immediately, looking down at her shirt, then up to you. She set the camera down on the hill so it wouldn't fall, and it was facing you.

She all but jumped into the mud puddle, grabbing handfuls of the stuff and smearing it all over you and Techno.

He retaliated by doing the same, accidentally getting you in the process.

'Accidentally'. This started an all out mud war, until some lake ranger had to ask you to leave.

It was a fun day.


Now you were hack home, you and Techno both showered.

You both were sitting on the couch, cuddling while watching a movie.

Suddenly, he spoke up. "Today was fun."

You chuckled a bit. "It was, wasn't it?"

There was a pause, before he said something else. "Y/b/n still scares me though."

You practically fell off the couch laughing, Techno's betrayed-looking face just making you wheeze harder.


first oneshot lets gooooo

Also idk if u can tell but im so much better at writing fantasy then irl stuff LMAOO but this was really good practice :]

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