Part 17

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Marylins Pov:

I've just picked up Twiggy and we have just started walking to the next bus stop....I am so excited, Twiggy looks just amazing and everytime I look at him there just millions of butterflys in my stomach...

Twiggy hasn't spoken a Single word since we've started walking, "Is everything okay Twigs ?" I ask him.
"Yeah sure, why are you asking is anything wrong?" He replys.
"No you just haven't said a Single word since we started walking" i say...

"I am just so excited to go on this date with you!!!" Twiggy speaks as I look into his eyes I can see the excitement...I am also realy excited but also a bit nervous since this is my first date...

"I am too" i say and wrap my arm around Twiggy, we continue walking to the bus stop like that...I can already see it at the end of the street...

...we sit down at the bus stop, the bus will arrieve in 5 minutes...

~5 minutes later~

...the bus stops in front of us, we both get into it quickly, the bus driver glares at me and I can feel his disgust just from his eyes on me...I realy don't want to ruin our first date so I decide to ignore it and hope Twiggy hasn't noticed...

...I pay for both of us and walk to the back of the bus to sit down next to Twiggs...he looks beautiful, the Orange evening sun shines on his face and his eyes sparcel, I've never seen eyes like this...they are just beautiful you could loose yourself in them...

...I grab Twiggys hand and hold it till we have to get of the bus...

...we now stand in an bigger street with more and Taler buildings, the air is dirty from all the cars and it's also very loud but that's not what matters, the only thing that matters is my Twiggy...

...we walk some streets until we finally stand in a little street in front of a dirty Club...I can already hear the music comming from inside and it smells like cheap beer and cigarrets...drinking age is 21 but since I've been here some time and the Bar guy knows me that's not gonna be a Problem....

...I look at Twiggy "Wanna go in ?" I ask and smile at him...

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