Part 11

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Marylins Pov:

*They arrive at school*

Class will start in five minutes, I really don't wanna go, but I have to least Jeordie is with me.

*The Bell Rings*

We Walk to our classroom, we have History now, sometimes it's kinda interissting, but at the moment the teacher only talks about the French revolution, I'm really not interissted in that...I draw something on my the end of the lesson my page is filled with weird faces, hats, pills and other stuff.
I like to draw random things during lessons, of course the page never looks like "a real drawing or painting" or whatever you want to call it, but I really like the look of it's as I allready said just so random and weird...


It's finally break I sit at the same place as Yesterday with Jeordie, we're talking about music and stuff...

"Why is nobody allowed to know that we are together, I tought you love me..."he says suddenly.

Oh no, I really don't want him to think in that way, I truly love him...

I try to explain it to him: "Don't talk shit, I love you...but you know, my parents, they are not really open minded...and we live in Ohio, if you just a bit different than the most of the people think Bad about you and asume kinda bad things about you, at least about me , but maybe you remember what the people shouted at us the First day"

"Yeah I do", he says in a sad voice and looks down on his shoes.

I really don't like seeing him makes me feel bad...but wow I never thought I could ever feel sad just because an other person does...but I guess thats what love makes...

After some minutes of awfull sielence
I ask him: "What do your parents think about that ?"

He looks up to me and says: "I think they are pretty open minded"

His parents must be cool, anyways I wanna take him into the woods after school, my Favorite place!

So I ask him:"I just wanna ask you If you want to come into the woods with me after school ?"

He looks up at me he looks happier now thanks Satan: " yes of course I want to come with you!"

Yes, He does't know it but I Show only really special persons the place in the woods, even tho He is the only Special Person He should be happy, because the place is amazing !!!!

I can't wait to Show it to him!

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