Chapter 10 +Bonus

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We waited impatiently, Shadow and Sonic speaking like close friends. That bat had come to join, to which I learned she was named Rouge. I ignored the conversation, too busy squeezing his arm uneasy. He did his best to pet me in reassurance, kissing my forehead as much as he could. The jury returned, the judge motioning them to speak as we silenced down. "The jury has decided. The prince and Shadow will be lifted from their crimes and punishments. And we wish our king to back down his throne and take the punishment for lies to his people and the judge." They ruled. "Very well, the king will step down! The prince will take control due to marriage! The king will suffer public humiliation and 5 years in the dungeon!" The judge ruled, my eyes lighting up. Sonic broke Shadow's chains as he rubbed his wrist. Tears wielded my eyes, all the emotions finally pouring out. I grabbed Shadow by the cheeks and pulled him into a kiss. His hands grabbed my waist as he returned it, deepening it. I let the tears stream down the face as we both became absorbed in the passion. Pulling away in need of air, he embraced me closely.

"I love you." I muttered out, speaking through tears as my smile widened. "I love you dearly more." He simply responded, lifting him up in his arms. I giggled at his movements, ignoring the stares we gained. My father growled at the sight, being pulled away by guards to suffer his punishments. Sonic and Knuckles smiled as they watched the adorable sight before them. "Seems this went well hm? I'm glad, you deserve happiness after all those years." The bat spoke out, Shadow nodding in response to her comment. My mother stared from afar, putting her head down in shame.

Life was finally worth living.

-------Years later-------

I weaved my hair to fit with my crown, fixing my clothing as I stared into the mirror. A pair of strong hands grabbed my hips as an ebony buried his face into my neck. "It's going to be night in the middle of your meeting, so I won't be coming. So I won't be able to join you. Buddy will await your return however snowflake." He purred, nuzzling my neck as I giggled. "I will look forward to it." I responded, cupping his cheek and kissing the other. "I love you." I whispered by his ear, enjoying the lovey dovey side of him. "I love you too." He continued, moving his hands to wrap around me. I smiled widely as I swung my body around, connecting our lips into a passionate kiss.

We had changed many rules of the kingdom, making it a town full of monsters and mobians together in harmony. I finally felt happiness, the love of my life sitting on the throne beside me.... It's everything I'd ever want. Even if we weren't on thrones, being with him is all I'd ever want.

This almost felt like a fairytale.

(Bonus scene)

I wore a white suit, staring at myself nervously. Today was the day. I fixed the flowers in my quills, fixing anything wrong all together. "Silver, you can't stay in here all day!" My mother exclaimed, barging into the room. "I know! I just..... I'm nervous..... I don't know if I can walk out there." I explained, fiddling with the tie. My mother shook her head, walking over to fix the little flower pin on the shirt I had put in sideways. "Silver, honey.... If you love him, this'll be the best night of your life!" My mother lectured as she finalized. "Now come, you chose to do this. Now finalize your choice." She continued, tucking our arms as she walked me out. She opened the chapel door as my chest tightened, oh god I wasn't ready. Eyes immediately went onto me, even though a veil was above my face hiding it away, I still felt like I was being judged. My mother walked with me, practically dragging me as my legs quivered. Shadow stood calmly at the altar, an elegant blue tux around his body that fit his features perfectly. She stopped at the stairs, gesturing for me to continue. I hesitantly walked up, trying to balance in the heeled boots. "Are you alright?" Shadow whispered under his breath once I made it up, grabbing my hands in worry. I nodded, trying to breathe and stay calm.

"Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Silver and Shadow in matrimony commended to be honorable among all; and therefore is not to be entered into lightly but reverently, passionately, lovingly and solemnly. Into this - these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together - let them speak now or forever hold their peace." The minister belted to be heard, waiting for a response. After a minute, he returned to his book. "Shadow. We will start with you. Do you Shadow, vow to have and to hold Silver from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do you part." The minister spoke, facing towards Shadow. "Of course, I do." Shadow spoke proudly. "Do you Silver, your friend, your faithful partner give Shadow your love from this day forward. In the presence of your family and friends, do you offer him your solemn vow to be his faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow. Do you promise to love him unconditionally, to support him in his goals, to honor and respect each other, to laugh with him and cry with him, and to cherish him for as long as you both shall live." The minister continued. "I do." How could I not?

"Do you both, Cherish each other throughout life? Cherish your union and love each other more each day than you did the day before? Will you trust each other and respect each other, laugh with each other and cry with each other, loving each other faithfully through good times and bad, regardless of the obstacles you may face together. Give each other your hand, heart, and love, from this day forward for as long as you both shall live. Even after one's death?" He added, trying to get it all together. "We do." We answered at the same time. "Rings now." He commanded, to a young girl who I loved dearly.

We could never give birth, so we had found her alone and abandoned in the town. She was perfect, looking identical to us. Her name was Rose Gold Hedgehog. But we called her Gold. She was an ebony just like Shadow, rose gold stripes. Her eyes mixed with gold and rose gold, giving a beautiful texture in her wondrous gaze. She waddled with a little pillow, since she was still young. She held it up as we grabbed our boxes, before she waddled back to her placement. We smiled at her adorable waddles, chuckling as she nearly fell over before looking around as if to make sure nobody saw.  We returned our gazes to each other, ready to continue. "I Shadow give you Silver this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you." He announced, keeping a calm composure. I nodded, letting him slide the ring onto my finger. "I Silver.... G-give you Shadow, th-t-this ring as an et-eternal symbol of m-my love and co-commitment to you." I stuttered out, shakily holding the ring.

He chuckled, giving me a nod as I slid it onto his. "By the power vested in me by the town of Asalora, I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss the.....Groom?" The minister struggled, making us both chuckle. He gestured we were ok to do so. Lifting my veil, Shadow wasted no time to connect our lips in one swift motion. Kissing back I cupped his cheeks, ignoring the sounds of cheers and claps that echoed the hall. He didn't waste any time to grab my waist, but wouldn't let it go long enough to where we could no longer breath.

Doing the finishing half, my nerves died the minute we were allowed off the altar. "I honestly thought you'd end up running out on me." Shadow teased, my cheeks puffing. I swooped Gold into my arms, carrying her adorable little body around with us as we spoke to guests. She played with my quills, being light to not bother me. It was a long night, boring if you will. Once everything concluded, I left Gold to be watched by two knights Sonic and Knuckles, since I knew me and Shadow wouldn't be free for some time. Leaving to head to bed with him, too tired to do anything. "I swear if Buddy wakes me up, I will throw you both out the window." I scowled, hearing a light chuckle from his lips. We laid to rest, passing out the minute I hit the pillow.

It would be a long day the next day however.

(More bonus scenes coming soon!)

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