Chapter 2

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I sat between my parents, trying to stay tall and elegant as we spoke formally with many village members. Soon, my mother asked for my attention as a couple  women in gorgeous gowns made their way in and bowed. "This is Rosemary, Opal, Cactus, Cossimo, and Harley." A man in priest wear spoke, being sure to be loud enough for me to hear.

Rosemary was a yellow cat with long blonde hair, wearing a large pink dress as her eyes glimmered pink. Opal wore a more thin blue dress with her grey fur of a wolf, her blue eyes piercing into me. Cactus was more green in her coat, a kangaroo mouse in a lovely red dress, her eyes a gentle red. Cossimo was purple and black with a flowy dark purple dress and eyes of blue. Lastly, Harley was a brown hedgehog with a black dress that puffed, her eyes an emerald green. "They're the most beautiful girls in our land, as you requested." He continued as the group half bowed. "Silver, you are to choose from them." My father started, catching my attention.

"I'm sorry?" I grew confused about what he meant, leaning in my chair to see his face much better. "It is about time you get a fiance, now get to choosing one." He continued, confirming what was needed. "I'm sorry to you girls for saying now... But father I have no interest in any of them." I spoke up, not willing to do this. They nodded as to confirm I did not hurt them in any way but my father however glared. "Your interest does not matter." He scowled, his eyes piercing my soul. "Dad, I don't want to. I'm only 18!" I stood up from my seat, leaning onto his arm rest. "I don't care! I had your mothers hand when I was 12! Now you can shut it! What you want isn't a matter! What matters is you do me good boy!" He screamed as he stood, looming over me easily.

"I will not marry someone I know nothing of because you want me to be who you want!" I was growing close, tears welling in my eyes as I realized just how much he controlled. "Choose one or I will for you!" He argued, pointing to the girls who grew uneasy. "I will not! I refuse!" I had never said that, never had I told him no. But, it felt nice. "Your only upset cause you can't control me! Marry someone you know nothing about, it's wrong! No wonder you and mom always fight! There's no love! I'm a child of a loveless marriage that is merely there FOR FUCKING POWER!" I ripped my throat, my mother's jaw dropping as she covered her mouth with her hands. "You will not speak to your father in such a way!" He yelled back at me, grabbing my arm tightly. The priest had the ladies exit the room, not wishing to alarm them any longer.

"I can't take it anymore! All you ever do is control me! I don't feel like a living being with either of you! I only sleep 3 hours anymore! I'm barely eating! I'm always anxious. I've cried for hours and hours on end! I can't do it anymore! Either let it go or get a new son!" I yelled as I felt tears threatening to fall. My mother grew sympathy in your eyes, realizing all the things going on. "I'm a living being dad! LIVING! And do not tell me to be a man! The very definition of a man is a living male being! I've already done so! You can't change who I am!" "Yes I can. And I will!" "Then I am done!" I stormed off, not caring to hear him scream at me. "You always say how you wish I wasn't born! So here you go!" I screamed at the end, watching my dad angrily stomp towards me. "ONYX!" My mother yelled after him, tugging her dress nervously. I backed to the door, quickly trying to open it only to learn it had been locked. My father grabbed me by my collar and lifted me up, seeing pure red. I began to quiver, not feeling so good about standing up for myself. "You listen here boy! YOU ARE THE DAMN CHILD! AS LONG AS I AM YOUR FATHER YOU ARE UNDER MY CONTROL!" He screamed, my legs shaking uncontrollably. He continued to yell as he dropped me, letting my stumble. He hit the wall scaring me every time I tried to move, letting me shake in fear. I dug my nails into my arms as I listened to his violent screams. My face soared as the back of his hand swiped across my face, back handing me.

"ONYX!" My mothers voice cracked, as she quickly started to run down the stairway from the thrones. Before I could process, he grabbed my collar and began to slam me against the wall over and over again as he screamed. My mother grabbed his arms trying to pull him off as I tried to brace my head as best I could. Once she got him backed off, I fell to the ground holding my head in pain. My mother yelled at him, as they argued loudly over powering my whines. I quickly rose to my feet, and escaped the room. I headed out the back door, becoming scared for my own self. I ran into the woods, the one place they'd never dare to go. I lifted my pant legs to my knees as I ran, no longer having fabric to stop the thorns from scratching into my legs. I had grabbed my cloak before running, pulling the black hood above my head to make it harder to see me.

The ground grew steep as I slipped, rolling down a ditch being scratched and sticked by more thorns of roses and stick plants, yipping in pain. I unsteadily stood as I continued to run, eager to disappear into the woods far enough they won't see me. It began to grow dark, the moon light through the branches being my only form of light. I panted heavily, putting my hands on my bloody knees as I struggled to regain my breath. I went to continue, until I heard a stick break.

(Sorry for short chapter)

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