I leaned back against the wall, trying to figure out just why she needed it.


I paced rapidly, practically making a ravine with my steps. I held my hands together, clenching my nails into the back of my hands. My body was tensed as my chest grew tight, fear filling my body thinking of all the things that could go wrong. My heart skipped a beat hearing a knock, rushing to open the small door. A small box slid in, to which I grabbed it holding it tightly to my chest. The door opened, my servant gesturing for me to hurry. I quickly ran out, holding the box tight. We snuck past to head into the dungeon, keeping as quiet as we possibly could. Reaching his cell, she stood watch for me. I quickly got the bars, watching those ruby eyes widen at the sight of me.

He quickly got up, rushing to the bars to grab just above my hands. "Silver? They let you down here?" He asked, shaking my head in response. His hands went through the bars, cupping my cheeks as he moved me around to make sure I wasn't hurt in any way. "Silver, you shouldn't be down here. As joyous I am to see you, I don't wish for them to give you a punishment too." His voice was low, a tone I had never heard him make. I cupped his hands, almost forgetting why I was here. "Shadow..... You're my betrothed.... Which means we're engaged..... You know?" I started, his ruby eyes watching the gold flicker around as I spoke. "A person can't remarry nor divorce no matter what here! You know that right?!" I jumped, having trouble keeping my voice down. "Your point? It's not official Silver, I never-''''Never proposed, I know! That's why I'm here." I cut him off, knowing well he hated when I did.

"Silver, I can't-" He stopped his words as I shoved the box into his hands. His mind clicking to my plan as he looked at me in shock. "Silver...." He spoke, sympathy in his voice. "You're the husband, so you have to speak it." I smiled as I spoke, grasping the bars once more. He kneeled down onto one knee, thinking his words carefully. I checked the servant constantly, hoping he had the time. "Silver...... SIlver Venice Hedgehog, the prince of Asalora.... To whom I never thought I'd wish to call my bride..... My very happiness built into one hog....... I-..... I long to see your golden eyes flutter every morning to stare up to me..... I long to feel your warm embrace every morning and night..... I've always hated people..... But yet..... You..... You managed to get past my barriers..... You managed to be the love of my very life..... I-..... I am nothing without you and you are nothing without me. We are both so different from each other, so opposite. You are a kind, bubbly, passionate hog. While I am a brooding, serious- mostly, cold, empathetic, isolated douchebag. But, you are everything to me. You were the greatest gift I could ever wake up to." He began, trying his best to keep his eyes on me.

"But the question remains, Silver I ask you with every little piece of my love." He continued, taking a deep breath as he opened the box. "I wished it was a more romantic time, but either way. No matter where we are I will still love you deep inside. So Silver, will you marry me?" He finished, raising it up for me to see the red jewel. A ruby, just like his eyes. Even though I knew it was coming, my eyes still swelled with tears of joy. I took the ring, holding the metal tightly. "Of course." I spoke, watching a smile grow on his face. Zooming up he cupped my cheeks through the bars, kissing my lips and best he could. I kissed back, putting the ring on before I cupped his hands. Pulling away, we both quietly laughed with our foreheads against each other.

"I love you." He spoke in a whisper, motioning our heads just right to put our noses together. "I love you too." I whispered back, rubbing his hands with my thumb. My servant started to hit the wall in alert, making me have to draw away from his hands. Me and her quickly ran off, looking behind me to wave to him as he forced his smile to fade. We hid in a dark crevice in the wall that was big enough to fit us both tightly. We waited for the guard to pass, before we quickly ran back up the stairs. Of course, waving at Shadow once more. He rushed to hide me away again, as we planned the next step.

"Your majesties! We have a flaw!" My servant yelled while I played with the ring on my bed. My eyes were memorized by its beauty. My servant spoke with them till they stepped into the room. "There is no way you-" My mother stopped realizing the ring. She looked to onyx anxiously, realizing the broken rule. "Bring the prisoner out, we will interrogate him on the matter!" My father snapped, leaving the room with his guards. "When did you become engaged to.... To your kidnapper?!" My mother screeched, grabbing my wrist as I gripped the ring in case she tried anything. "He wasn't my kidnapper!" I yelled back at her, now knowing she didn't understand. "Mom, I wasn't kidnapped. I ran away! Because I couldn't take the stress! Mom I learned I was the weight of a 10 year old boy! I was going to die! But you didn't care did you!" I naturally snapped, my mother's face stuck in shock. "Honey, i only wanted to help-" "You were hurting me from within mom! What did you think I was gonna think when you made negative comments constantly about my body and face?!" I yelled, her eyes falling to the floor. "The fact a stranger cared about me more than you did, you should be doing better. I'm your son! Not some doll! Not you! Not an ornament! Not a clay sculpture! I'm your son! A living being! Your flesh and blood!" I held her hands, tears pricking my eyes as her eyes grew dull. "A mother's love is supposed to be precious, adoring, caring, stern, sweet, comforting, but the love you gave me makes me believe you see me as nothing more than a toy." I knew I was right, even if her eyes wanted to tell me otherwise.

"People do things, they don't realize they're doing. But owning up to it and working to change it is what matters. I love you, and I want to love you. But I will not love a mother who only cares for my appearance and knowledge. I rather love the mother I had when I was a child, the mother who cared for me for who I really was." I let the tears fall, her arms wrapping me into a hug. "Your right." She finally spoke, rubbing my back as I hugged her right back.

It's been so long since I've felt her warm embrace, that gentle touch only a mother could give. She took my hands and led me down, wiping her eyes as gentle as possible to not ruin her makeup. She wasn't the type who likes to cry in front of her people, to which I didn't understand. What I do understand, I will not let Shadow be punished for my wrong doings.

The love of a beast (Shadilver)Where stories live. Discover now