Chapter 1: The Birth of Crystallizers

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Most commonly, Power Rangers can be found on Earth, but today, our story starts on a distance planet called Crystalia, where the next location of The Nexus Prism was. On Crystalia, The Nexus Prism talked to King Orion and told him about The Morphing Grid and the power it comes with. With that knowledge, he connected some of the Crystalian Stones with power from the morphing grid. With the new power in the kingdom, King Orion's brother, Dade, grew hungry for it's power, and so did another, Ayora, and with the help of Dade, they did so, they overthrow the kingdom, killed King Orion and searched for the stones, but never found them, but there was still hope, a young princess by the name of Princess Christina, she found the stones, took them and ran away to Earth, where it was rumored there was a friend who could have. With trying to escape, she found the White Crystalian Stone, she used it as transportation to get to Earth, and in space, the ride was very bumpy, and she thought she could get away from Dade, Ayora and his army, but that wasn't the case, they followed her to Earth.

Interesting Fact: King Orion has a lost wife, Queen Janette.

In a crater, a sleeping Christina was found in The White Crystalian Stone. Thanks to some connections, a strange man found her and took her to a secured area, somewhere near Pearl Reef. Christina wakes up, and wonders where she is. "Where am I and who are you?" Christina asks. "Oh, good you are up. Well..... Welcome to Earth! I'm Lavern Sheppard, and I'm here because your planet was under attack and now mine is." Lavern responds. "Oh. Well, nice to meet you, Mr Sheppard,  and yes, they were following me." Christina says. "I know how to solve that, and I'm sorry for your lose, he was a good friend and a better king," Lavern says, "And just call me, Lavern, Mr Sheppard is my father." "Ok, Lavern, thank you, and what do we do now?" Christina asks. "Well, we need rangers to fight and with the powers of The Crystalian Stones and these Crystallizers, they will become, The Power Rangers Crystallizers!" Lavern says excitingly. "Princess Christina, you're awake!" Heli says. "Wait, The Crystalian Stones are alive!" Christina says surprised. "Yes, we are and we are ready to find our partners!" Shovellon says. "Well, that's exciting to hear." Christina says. "Yes, and with our different personalities, it will be interesting to see out new team." Lavern says. "Wait, what about the Silver Crystalian Stone?" Christina asks. "No, he has yet, but for now, these five can find their partners and fight with them." Lavern says.

First to find their partner is Heli, The Pink Crystalian Stone. Just walking around, Heli and Christina find and see a girl drinking some coffee and looking at her phone. "Heli, is it her?" Christina asks. "Yes, I feel it's her." Heli says. Thanks to Crystalian Stones have telepathy, they can say who are person is and what they are thinking. "So how are we going to talk to her? We kinda stand out, a lot." Christina says. "Oh, don't worry, I can get ask her to meet us." Heli says. "Wait, you can?!" Christina asks surprised. "Yes, I can!" Heli says, as she psychically tells the girl to go outside. After a while, surprisingly she does. When she comes outside, she see them, and out of curiosity, she walking out there. "Wow, a floating crystal and a rock girl. Am I dreaming or is something happening?" The girl asks. "Well, I'm Christina, and this pink crystal next to me is Heli, and she has thought you are the next Pink Crystal Ranger." Christina says. "Wait, so Power Rangers are real?! Awesome!" The girl says. "So, what do you say?" Heli asks. "Ummm, Yessss, I will accept the role!" The girl says excitingly. "And I'm Aline, pleasured to meet you." "Pleasured to meet you, Aline, wanna go to the Ranger base?" Heli says. "Umm, yes! I would like that!" Aline says. "Ok, let's go!" Heli says. Back at ranger base, Lavern is dance exercising. "Hey Lavern." Christina says. "Oh, hey, I'm just doing some exercising, who is this?" Lavern says, grabbing a towel. "Hey, I'm Aline, I was chosen by Heli." Aline says. "Oh, our Pink Ranger! Here, this is your Crystallizer." Lavern says, "And as they said, I'm Lavern Sheppard." "Nice to meet you." Aline says. "Nice to meet you too, and can you do me a favor, can you help Christina and Jetta, find Blue. Thank you." Lavern continues. "Yeah, sure, I can do that." Aline says. "Yes, let's go, my turn." Jetta says as he flies out, and Aline and Christina follows.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2021 ⏰

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