A Letter to my Love (Kageyama x Reader)

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You walked through the door, after a long day of work. You were able to come home earlier than usual. The apartment was empty, just as you had expected. Kageyama usually worked later than you to begin with; but tonight he was scheduled to leave for an away game. You thought it would be a good idea to cook a nice dinner for the two of you before he left. After setting your stuff down you walked into the kitchen and over to the fridge. Opening it you discover... well not much. It was evident a trip to the store was necessary.

You got changed out of your work clothes into something more casual, grabbed your keys and headed out. The store was rather empty and that made shopping easy. You walked through the isles slowly, savoring the moment of peace. Life had been pretty hectic lately, you had been working so hard and when you got home, you just wanted to sleep. With Kageyama's busy practice schedule it was hard to make time for each other. It felt like forever since you last had dinner together.

You finished up your shopping and headed out of the store. The walk was nice; the air was cool and a street performer was playing a beautiful melody on the other sidewalk. However your world came to a halt once you saw him.

Kageyama. With a woman you had never seen before attached to his arm.

Maybe it was a friend or a relative that he found while walking.

She looked up at him with a smile. She kissed him; where you always did. His smile broke your heart. Kageyama ran his fingers through her hair, as tears welled up in your eyes. You quickly crossed the street and headed back to your apartment.

You calmly put the groceries away. That scene playing in your mind over and over again. You had no idea what to do. You sat down at the kitchen table, grabbed a pen and just started writing.

I once thought myself lucky. Being able to call you mine was a luxury. However today I found out it was not the same for you. While I was out, I saw you with her. I wonder if she is the only one; though I don't really want to know the answer. I will be staying with a friend until you leave for your game. Please remove all the belongings you wish to keep from the apartment before you leave; I'm sure you have somewhere you'd rather be anyway.

I used to love the way you held my hand, your fingers in mine. It once was my greatest comfort; and now my saddest memory.

With that you packed an overnight bag; took one last look at the apartment you would no longer be sharing and left.

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