Chapter 14:Fight

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We made it up to our room and got in the bed cuddling, we just laid in each others presence. Soaking up what this moment means to us

I fell asleep in Pietro's arms on the bed before he fell asleep too. In the morning I was awake first so I didn't move, I just stayed still. I watched Pietro sleep and now I know when Pietro does this to me, its relaxing and calming

"Morning" he said kissing me lightly

"Morning" I said smiling up at him

"Daddy Mommy" Henry yelled running into the room jumping on the bed next to us

"Hi buddy" I said putting him on my lap

"Breakfast now please" he said trying to put a sentence together but failing cutely

"Okay okay" I said getting up and grabbing Pietro too so he can show me the way to the kitchen so our son could eat breakfast

Pietro was showing me the rooms we passed and what we used them for and then finally the kitchen "Wow thats a big house" I said letting out a small laugh

"And thats not even half of it" he said kissing me quickly before opening the door to see my whole family talking and laughing over breakfast

"Hope" mom said coming over to me and bringing me into a hug

"Hi mom" I said hugging her back and giving Pietro a look

"I missed you" she said slurring her words together

"Are you drunk?" I asked her looking into her eyes

"Noooooo" she said trying to should convincing

"Its 8 in the morning why?" I asked concerned

"This was is a kinda normal thing" dad said stepping up and putting his hands on moms shoulders leading her out of the kitchen and who knows where

"What happened while I was gone?" I asked looking at everyone left in the kitchen who now had their heads bowed, looking at the floor

"Well it took a long time for everyone to come back together and be happy or should I say act happy" Steve said the first one to talk

"Mostly everyone stayed in their rooms, the gym, or in your dads case the lab trying to get you to come back to life" Bucky said looking me in the eyes

Tears were filling my eyes they went through hell when I left them and its all my fault, "I'm so sorry" I said looking down at the floor. I didn't know me 'dying' would make everyone so sad and alone

"Hey its not your fault its Red Skulls hes the one who did this to us" Steve said coming over and hugging me

"Food" I heard a little voice say from behind me

"Okay" I said wiping my one tear and picking Henry up and putting him into the chair

"Pietro if you can get him breakfast?" I asked looking at him

"Of course" he said walking over to some cabenits and pulling out cereal and milk, a bowl along with a spoon

"Thank you" I said when he set the bowl down infront of Henry

Henry ate his breakfast and Pietro brought me around the rest of the mansion, he was not lying when he said this place was big. I'm probably going to get lost alot in the future

"How do you not get lost in this place?" I asked looking at him

"Oh I did but you get used to it" he said looking at me with a smile

"I will be lost for a while" I said laughing a little bit

A few weeks later

Pietro and I were walking around one day talking, we were trying to catch up to what we both missed when we were separated when

Our conversation started to get heated, he was mad at me for abandoning him but I couldn't control me leaving. I was sad he thought I would have just abandoned him and Henry when I would have the choice, "Why would I leave you, you guys are my life my everything" I yelled at him once we got to our room

"Well you did leave us" He yelled back at me

"Not by choice" I said tears escaping in my eyes

"But you still left us" he said turning his back to me

"Don't turn your back to me" I yelled furious. I am not some person who will look the other way when something happens, I will fight until its solved. "I tried day and day again to come home to you I never even looked at another guy like I look at you can you say the samething about me?" I asked not wanting to know the answer but I needed to know for my sanity

I won't lie saying the thought hasn't crossed my mind for the last 2 years, hell I thought I was okay with it back with the X-Men as long as he was happy but now I'm not so sure. "There was somebody" he said which caused my eyes to grow big and my mouth to drop open

"What?" I asked

"It was only one date and I couldn't even finish it" He said turning around his eyes red and puffy, tears falling down his face "But it doesn't matter you are the one who left us not the other way around" he said throwing that back in my face

"Pietro I know its been 2 years" I said my voice breaking "I've been without you or Henry for that long" tears were streaming down my face "Don't you think it pained me everyday I woke up alone not having you by myside, not being able to watch Henry take his first steps, his first words I missed it all" tears were fully streaming down my face and then I was brought into a hug

"I'm sorry it was hard for both of us but we will never be split apart again and we will make it through this" he whispers into my ear, rubbing my back. How can he say we will make it through this, he was just yelling at me for not being here and what now he wants to work through it

I guess we will have to wait to see what happens in the future

I had to throw that last sentence in there because I don't even know what the future will bring for Hope's story. I do know though I am losing idea, I have enough to finish the story but I don't know how long this book will be but I will give Hope a good ending that I think you guys will all love

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