N I N T E E N (1/2)

Magsimula sa umpisa

"Is there anything you want to say?" Taehyung said.

"Ya..... actually I am free for next 2 months so I was thinking about going on a vacation. what do you think? with our friends and family. I just want to get my mind out of everything that happened lately." he said. Taehyung think for a while. it will be okay if they go out for a while.

"I think you are right"

"Great. then clear your schedule we are leaving in two days."

"Okay then."

"See you then " They hung up the call and jimin look at him curiously.

"We are going on a vacation."

"Really?" taehyung nod

"Finally." Jimin said. well for the workaholic businessman like them it a big relief.

Taehyung's Mansion.

12:00 AM

Taehyung came back late today. as he said he clear all of his schedule and attend the meeting that were important.

he loosen his tie and make his way toward his room but stop when he saw someone laying on the couch.

His eyes instantly soften when he saw her sleeping peacefully on uncomfortable couch. he took of his blazer and put it on the side. he sat on the little space near her. he took her small hand in his big one and kiss her knuckles. he smile softly.

"When will you stop hurting yourself like this?" he said. he look at her every action. she wasn't joyful like before. she only smile nothing much.

suddenly her grip around his hands tighten and she shake her head mumbling something.

"P... please don't go....dad" Taehyung panic a little. he saw tears in the corner of her eyes.

"Please no dad...no dad" Taehyung shake her little.

"Honey. wake up. baby" he said softly. her eyes shot open and met with his worried one.

she look around quickly and sit up. her lips tremble and she look back at him. she sob and hug him tightly.

"I....I miss him. I miss him so much." His one hand went toward her hairs caress it and other wrap around her waist

"what will I do without him? It's so unfair. why did he leave me?" his shirt become wet from her tears and let her cry.

" calm down I am here." her sob become louder and louder and she clench on his short tightly.

"Cry as much as you want. I am here. lean on me let it all out." He pull back and cup her wet cheeks

"But after tonight I don't want to see anymore tears in your eyes. he is no more with us. but he will always be here in your heart." taehyung wipe her teary cheek and plank a deep kiss on her forehead.

"He will not like it if you will cry like this. His daughter is strong and the y/n I know always fight with pain. my baby is stronger than anyone." she was holding his collar tightly. she gulp and more tears roll down from her cheek.

"Y ..You will not leave, right?" she asked looking at him with her big doe eyes.

"No I am here whenever you need me." She nod her head with a smile and hug him again not want to let his warmth go. Taehyung happily wrap her in his arms, securing her in his warm embrace.

𝘽𝙚𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙞𝙛𝙪𝙡 𝙈𝙚𝙨𝙨||𝙆𝙏𝙃 ✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon