introverts are selfish

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ITSS ME!!! kimiki AKA kira.. back at it again *brofists the camera and then does karate kick as we transition back into the main story 😉😉*

  "I won't let you leave me that easily " Alex heard someone say, it was a deep growl.  He looked up, tracing the voice back to a figure. He was broad, and muscly. not as much as senpai- Scott though, Alex thought, flushing for just a second at it.

  The figure wore a shirt, "Introverts are selfish!" It exclaimed in comic sans. what the fuck lol  Alex thought as he smiled, inspecting the person who, was about to curb stomp Scott, with his eyes.

  But then Alex realized what was going on. "Oh no!!! Kawaaii desu!! I-ill save y-y-y-y-you al-alp-alpha!!!" He yelled, pulling out his knifu that he ended lifeu's with.

  Alex rushed at the figure in front of him leaping on him and causing his grip on Scotts shirt collar to be let go. And it also caused him to fall to the ground, Alex straddling him (not in a sexual way btw i just needed a word to describe it)

  "Alex no!" Scott shouted as Alex lifted the knife above the figure. Alex was going to stab him and not listen until Scott immediately grabbed both of alexes arms.

  Scott lifted Alex up (im gonna draw that later) and put him down onto the ground. Alexes eyebrows were furrowed and he glanced at scott.

  "Its okay," Scott did his roblox man smile, snapping as his bodyguards approached and apprehended the figure. "Bye... butch." Scott smiled, waving goodbye to BUTCH HARTMAN. watching as his bodyguards took him away, Butch turned his head around and shook his fist.

  Scott sighed, turning to alex and smiling tired. "wanna go inside now~?"

  Alex flushed.

  HEY BROSKIS. here's a note: Alex in this fanfic probably looks like his younger self (atleast in my chapters- and specifically him in the 'drink the cum chalice' video) because no one would want to date yan dev in 2021.

Yan Dev x Scott CawthonOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant