Sokka x Fem NonBender

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Request by Anonymous: "After attending a party with the Gaang where all the girls were around your boyfriend, Sokka, you can't help but get mad at him..."


You never thought of yourself as the jealous type. Your boyfriends could talk to whomever they pleased, and you didn't care, as long as they didn't cross the line. Now that you think about it, Sokka didn't even cross a line tonight, and yet you were still mad at him. You weren't sure why, exactly.

You had managed to sneak away from the party and head home, only telling Katara so no one would worry when they realized you were gone.

Now, you were laying on your side in bed, wearing nothing but a long shirt. You laid atop the covers, staring aimlessly at the wall in front of you.

You had set up a place for Sokka to sleep on the sofa, an action that made you believe he wouldn't bother coming into the bedroom.

You had thought wrong, as some time later you heard the door open and the bed behind you sink, indicating someone had sat on it. "Baby? You awake?" You heard Sokka whisper, his hand coming to rest on your forearm.

You didn't respond, only reached your own hand to throw his off of you.

"Baby," Sokka's voice was soft, as if he was worried he would break you, "Can you tell me what's wrong?"

You stayed silent, the treatment being enough to inform him of your anger.

You readjusted on the bed. You were still facing away from your boyfriend, but now your legs were bent at the knee and you held your arms in front of you.

"Can you tell me what I did?" His hand slithered around your waist, his thumb moving in small circles on your stomach.

You replied harshly, although becoming relaxed under his touch. You didn't push Sokka's hand away from you this time, the action giving Sokka some hope that you weren't actually angry. "Figure it out."

"I'm sorry for whatever I did. What can I do to make it up to you?" You felt his hot breath as his body pressed against your back. He lightly kissed the back of your neck, sending shivers down your spine.

You go back to not responding, your eyes darting from various places on the wall.

You hear a light sigh from the man behind you, the breath making the hair at the back of your neck stand. His hand that was on your stomach traveled further, and now his finger tips were lined up with the waistband of your underwear.

"Baby... was it those girls?" He felt your body tense up beneath his touch. "Oh, baby. Y/N..." he began, "You must of left before you could see... I pushed them all away to find you. Katara noticed I was searching around and told me you came home. I'm sorry, Y/N."

You stayed silent once again, focusing your mind on how his lips attached to your neck again, leaving a variety of open kisses.

The beat of your heart quickened under his touch as his hand slithered further down between your legs. You let out a quiet breath, anticipation filling your mind as his fingers gripped the hem of your shirt and slowly lifted the fabric to your waist. You watched as his fingers rested on the bare skin of your stomach this time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2021 ⏰

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