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Leah struggled to get past the intoxicated bodies, to get to the restroom. After what felt like ten decades-which was just ten minutes- she grinned to herself and murmured 'finally'. She finished her business, and left the restroom.

As Leah left the restroom, she heard two familiar voices. When she peeked over to see who it was, she was devastated at the sight in front of her. Her boyfriend Gabriel (now ex-boyfriend) and her friend Esther (now ex- friend) were pushed up against the wall, with their lips sealed and moaning.

Leah was too astonished to move, let alone speak anything. She shook her head, being aware of what was happening. She held her tears and left to the party hall. Perched up against the corner of the wall in vengeful thoughts, Leah knew what had to be done...

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