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tryouts day. alex had been dreading this since freshman year. don't get him wrong, he loves his football, er—, soccer. but the kids in his grade he feared were so much more skilled than him. he liked playing around with his mates, like fraser and james. but fraser and james are a grade above him and can't play along with the juniors, unfortunately, leaving him with nobody he'd ever played with before.

whys he going through all this? well his father had wanted him to get extra credit for "EXTRA CURRICULAR" activities, said it wad good for getting into uni. the pressure was on.

alex had gotten up extra early— scratch that, he didn't get a blink of sleep all night. he had put on his uniform that had been given to him at school a week prior, brushing his teeth, not even bothering to eat breakfast. it was 4 am, sun was nowhere near out. the stars were just fading, though. alex had waken up extra early because he would have to go to school, from there, they would be taking a bus to birmingham, which is quite far from their school in london. this was for their practice, they would be staying there for 3 weeks... unless, of course, they don't make the team.

alex walks up to his parents room and doesn't even bother knocking. he goes in and wakes both of his parents up. alex's mom sits up in her bed. "...mornin' al.. that time already?"

alex gives a forced lippy smile. "yeah, mum." he huffs out. as soon as his sentence was finished, his mom pulled him into a tight hug. his dad was awake, too, but hadn't bothered to open his eyes to even say bye. as the hug disbanded, alex had just sighed at the sight of his father, still laying down in his bed. "bye, dad." he had said anyways, before turning to leave his parent's room. "alex? you've got everything?" his mom questions one last time. alex turns back and nods. "bye mum."

as alex took his heavy backpack filled to the brim with clothes, he had remembered to grab his wallet.

he left his house and started walking to school. crickets were still chirping, birds were just starting to be heard with the sky becoming a slight blue instead of the pitch black it was just a few minutes prior.

alex stopped at a petrol station before he went to school, he walked inside and grabbed a powerade and a bag of funiyons, purchasing them and then continuing his stroll.

soon he had arrived at his school, seeing several boys his age standing near the loading zone for buses. he looked around to see if he had known anyone there, not so surprisingly, not a single person. well—, thats not entirely true. all these boys were in his grade, but he had classes with very few of them, let alone TALK to the ones that WERE in his classes. he sighed and had sit down on the bench facing outwards to the road.

more boys showed up, chatting with the rest of them, until-

"ALEX!" a familiar-ish voice had called out.

alex looks up from his bench to see fraser and james walking towards him.

"james? fraser?! what're you doing here?" alex scoffed into a smile. james grinned in return, "all grades are going to the same camp, just different teams, cabins and buses! which means... we'll have free period and lunch to see eachother!"

alex's smile somewhat faded. "different buses... right. and what am i supposed to do with a bunch of strangers for 2 and 1/2 hours?"

fraser stood looking at james, grimacing. "well," fraser had started. "OH! i have a couple friends in your grade, maybe you can make friends with them!"

alex sighed. "if i MUST keep myself from being bored half to death... where are these friends?"

fraser turned and pointed to the loudest two there were standing in the school zone. will and george. will was squatting on the ground to pick up a cheeto, only seconds before popping it in his mouth and eating it. george had been laughing hysterically with his camera out and on will the whole time.

alex felt himself throw up in his mouth. "are..." he began. "are you pointing to someone.. behind them? or...?"

fraser shook his head. "they're nice blokes, truly. here, i'll introduce you now!" he said, before grabbing alex's wrist and dragging him towards the two, with james following behind.


[761 WORDS]

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