162. Safe And Sound

Start from the beginning

"Does it hurt when I press down?" The doctor asked as he continued to press down around the stitches.

"It hurts a little but not a lot, " Hinata replied as he tried to stop himself from flinging.

The doctor stood up straight again and gave Hinata a small smile.

"Well, it seems like everything is fine, and you can go home tomorrow, " He said, then he noticed the bag of buns and candy next to Hinata on the bed.
"You may eat, but if you feel nauseous, that's normal. I'll let you all be now, and I'll discharge you in the morning, " with that, he turned and walked out of the room with Kiko following behind."

Suga grabbed Daichi by the hand and walked closer to the bed. Hinata looked up to them and couldn't help but notice that Suga still looked worried.

"We're going to go back to the packhouse... Takeda and coach Ukai have been there since we were here, and apparently, all hell has broken loose, " Suga said, trying to fake a smile and let out a small chuckle.

Yamaguchi came from behind him, holding what appeared to be a McDonald's cup with a lid and straw poking from the top.

"I got you some orange juice from McDonald's in case you woke up, and we're thirsty, " he said and reached the cup out for Hinata to take.

Hinata, who was still dizzy and felt off from the anesthesia, gave him the best smile he could and nodded as a thank you. Daichi and Suga headed out the door with Yamaguchi and Tsukki following behind.

Kageyama's mom and Hinata's stood in front of them in silence for a moment before Kageyama's mom spoke.

"We will take you both home tomorrow, she said and gave her son and Hinata a smile and stepped away, allowing Hinata's mom to have a moment to speak to her son.

Hinata's mom looked at her son like she wanted to say something but instead looked down at the floor.

"Save some orange Gummies for Natsu, okay?" She said, finally breaking her silence.  Hinata nodded, a bit confused, and watched his mom leave the room.

Kageyama and Hinata sat there alone in silence. Hinata could feel an odd tension between them as if Kageyama wanted to say something but couldn't find the words.

"I'm sorry I made you worry, " Hinata said quietly, breaking the silence between them.

Kageyama looped his arm around Hinata's waist and pulled him closer. He kissed the top of his head. Without saying anything, he reached for the bag of food. He took out two of the now room temperature meat buns and handed one to Hinata.

"You should eat, " Kageyama said and took a bite of the bun in his hand.

Hinata stared at his for a moment. His head still felt a bit fuzzy, and his body felt heavy. He leaned his head against Kageyama's shoulder and started to eat his bun.

After he ate it, he took the Orange gummies out of the bag and opened the package. He took one out and handed ot to Kageyama.

Kageyama took the piece of candy and watched as Hinata squished his between his fingers.

"What's wrong?" Kageyama asked worriedly.

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