Any Requests?

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Hey everyone! This page is made for requests of any Deku AUs you'd like to see!

I can't promise I can do every one, but if there are things that are heavily requested by a lot of you, I'll try my best to plan out and write a page on it.

All I ask is that you include a type of chapter. If you just type '____ AU' I won't know what type of chapter you want, so I probably won't do it. You can also add any excess details if you want, like a certain situation or a backstory/character altered. Also, I will add ships if you ask, but no ship wars in the comments, and the ships can't be the main focus. This is supposed to be a Deku AU book, not a Deku ship book, after all.

Another ask of mine- no crossover universes. As much as I want to write some of these, many people won't be in many of the fandoms you request, maybe not even me. And I mean no disrespect to anyone or their respective fandoms, but I'm not going to watch an anime/play a game/read a manga etc. just for a chapter that half of my readers may not be in.


"One-shot of a AU where Deku is a digital artist and has a lot of sass"

"A Summary of where Deku has a dragon quirk"

"Timeline of a dead Bakugou AU" (do note that since this book is focused on Deku, if you ask stuff like this it'll still focus on Deku and his reaction to whatever you ask)

That's all! I'll be sure to update this as necessary, and I hope you all have a great day!

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