time for changes

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-  mattia

" how is she doing?" kairi asked me.

" she is okay now , she is just sleeping." i sigh. " doc said she overworked her body , but she heals pretty fast."

" thats good , um what are your plans when we leave here?"

i know this won't go in everyone's favor but it's better to be safe than sorry. " i think we should move."

" great idea , i know a lot of the panthers won't agree with this but half of their lives can be in jeopardy." kairi agrees with me.

half of the panthers are hurt and i can't risk losing anymore. elijah and xavier wiped out most of them. if we move , we can possibly recruit more and train in a safer environment. when we get back to the house i will announce it and alert the rest of the gang about our plans.

this is the best idea we have right now.

" where am i?" a hoarse voice appears. kairi and i look up and it was avery. she tried to sit up but grunting at the pain. " no no stay down , your at the doctors." i state.

i grab one of her hands and place a small kiss on it. " is he dead?" she asked quietly.

" yeah," kairi responds calmly. " okay , is alejandro okay?"

" mhm , he just twisted his ankle." i answer her. she begins to tear up and lets go of my hand. " hey hey why are you crying?"

" am i gonna be okay?" she cries.

" yes , your gonna be perfect okay. the doctors even said your healing pretty fast." kairi responds.

( 2 months later)


" remember to call me everchance you get okay , please?" camila worries. " and promise me if anything happens ill be the firts you call."

" yes camila , stop worrying ill be fine." i sigh and pull her in for the biggest hug.

it was hard for me to accept the decision of moving away , but since i am involved with the panthers , its safer for me to move. im gonna miss chris and camila because they were my only family before i met mattia.

" chris , please watch over her okay and make sure she stays out of trouble." i say letting go of camila.

" trust me , i will" he breathes out.

" babe , you ready to go?" mattia calls behind me. 

i let out one last breath and hug chris and camila one last time. " i love you guys so much , i'll visit as much as i can."

" bye!" they scream as i run towards the car. these heels are aching my feet and im already trying to contain my tears.

i made it to the car , gaining a kiss on the cheek from mattia before entering the car.   i slide in sitting by alejandro and mattia. the door slams shut and i look out the window to the house one last time.

all of this happened in the less than 2 years. a lot has changed with my life and im happy with it. yeah it wasn't a safe choice because of the lifestyle i'm living but i have people to keep me safe. 

" trust me babe , your gonna love our new house." mattia whispers into my ear. " i hope so," i answer.

" i heard from a little bird , we finally have a bigger training room. is that true?" alejandro asked excitedly. a smire smirk crawls onto mattia's face for me to already gain the answer.

the house we are apparently moving to is much bigger and isolated from other people. i haven't seen the house at all and i just know its in italy. 

" okay but besides that please make sure i have a bigger room , the last one was way to close to alejandro's and was really small." kairi whines.

its true though , kairis room looked like a toddler lived in it. i was shocked because alejandro's room was way bigger.

" i promise you the rooms are way bigger," mattia tells.

the boys were getting all chirpy and excited about the house that we have yet to see. they act like two teenage boys who finally stopped sharing a room with each other and received their own. out of all of this mattia and i are finally sharing a room. hopefully the closet is big enough because i brought every last piece of clothing and shoes with me.

the car finally came to a stop at the airport where we came to for our bora bora trip. mattia stepped out of the vehicle first and gave me a hand out if the car. i pulled down my brown dress that rode up my thighs while we were in the car.

everyone dressed in formal attire because we were having supper at mr.polibio's restaurant.

walking ahead of the boys, i pulled my sunglasses over my eyes and clutched onto my bag. somehow the boys managed to catch up to me but i was still ahead.

" good afternoon , ms.adair. safe travels and enjoy your flight!" the guard greets me and helps me up the stairs.

i follow my way to my desired seat and mattia does the same. his cologne filled the air next to me and filled all my airways. 

" kairi push me one more time i know something," mark squeals. " aye stop acting like children and sit down." i order.

" sorry girl , he was pushing me," mark puts his hand up in defense. everyone else finds their seat before we take off. mattia fixes himself in his seat. i slide the glasses off my face and put them on top of my head.

" is there a problem, mattia?" i ask. he seems very uncomfortable. " yes there is and you started it." he finally answers.

" what are you talking about?" i say knowing exactly. when i first put on the dress , mattia wouldn't stop eyeing me. the dress is on the more fitted side showing more of my curves.

" you just wait, avery." he brings his lips to meet my ear. i sit still keeping my eyes ahead of me.

i smug smirk appeared on my face. this is gonna be a fun plane ride.

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