Interview With the No.1 Heroes family

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In this AU Izuku is two years older than Izumi and he didn't go to U.A, he joined the police force after All Might told him he couldn't be a hero

"Welcome back everybody, I'm your host Y/n L/n, and tonight we've got a special interview with THE no.1 Hero and her family, let's welcome them in shall we"

Music plays in the background, as a family of 4 walk in, a green haired woman in a green superhero jumpsuit with a white cape, a elderly man in a yellow striped suit, an elderly woman in a green sundress, and and man with curly green hair in a commissioner uniform.

The first three take a seat on a couch and the last one takes a chair away from the rest

The audience claps and whistles in the background while the four smile and wave

"Now for those who don't know, and by the way you have to be living under a rock to not know, why don't you introduce yourself, name, age, and occupation

"I'm Izumi Yagi, I'm 35, and I'm the pro hero known as Omega"

The audience claps and whistles at at her somebody even pronounces their love to which she turns down in a heart beat

"My Name is Toshinori Yagi, I'm 78, And I'm the retired former No.1 Hero All Might"

"I'm Inko Yagi, I'm 76, And I'm the former No.8 Hero known as Green Tornado

Claps and cheers where heard throught the building for the couple's introduction, All eyes were on the man in the commissioner's uniform, he looked like he didn't want to be here

"My names Izuku Midoriya, I'm 37, And I'm the Commissioner General of Japan's nation police Agency"

Claps, cheers, and whistles were heard, just about everyone's heard about him, he was a national hero, that tends to happen, when you arrest a serial killer, bring down a villain group, and organize a raid on a highly dangerous yakuza.

"Quite the family, you all have you're accomplishments, and have saved hundreds of lives, and you twins are still have life left in you so you'll continue saving lives, and that right?"

"Of course, we will"

"I don't know about life left but sure"

The audience and his "family" laugh at the male twins comedic response

The host goes on to ask more questions about their lives and what it's like, with Izumi's being full of physical activity and how she spends all day saving lives, which Izuku admits he's slightly jealous of, even though her quirk fought against her throught highschool and breaks her bones if she uses to much of it, which izuku smirked at.

"Wow it's as if the quirk dosen't like you"

Izuku passed enjoying the nervous expression on his sister's face

The interview continued normally until the topic of romance was brought up

"So Izuku I heard recently you were voted #1 on the most attractive man in japan by (insert media here) what do you have to say to that, what's your secret"

"Honestly I have no idea how that happened, I heard that women like a disheveled look, and I guess pulling one to many all nighters filing paperwork gave me just that"

Izuku said with a confident smirk, it wasn't a lie but it also wasn't the full truth, truth is his daughter spends heavy amounts of time putting concealer on his face to hide his eyebags whenever he makes a public appearance

"Speaking off beauty are either of you in relationships, I'm talking to the twins of course"

The audience laughs as Toshinori was going to answer before he was caught

"Yes actually as you remember just last week Grand Zero proposed to me after the warehouse raid last week, and well we probably aren't gonna have any kids any time soon, as are lives are pretty...hectic to say the least"

The audience once again cheered and congratulated her on her romantic endeavor

"What about you Izuku"

"Oh you don't need to ask him he's been single fo-"

"I got married 9 years ago, and I have an adopted daughter, oh an recently me and my wife have been trying for a baby"

It was something nobody expected nobody new the commissioner general to be married let alone have a kid, except Izumi

Recovering from his initial shock Toshinori was the first to speak

"What!?!, you've been married for 9 years and you didn't tell anybody?!, let alone your own family!!"

"You know damn well why I didn't tell you, Toshinori"

Everyone was except a select few were confused as to why, he didn't tell his family, it got uncomfortably silent so the host dicided to transition forward

"Well commissioner mind telling us who the lucky ladies in your lives are"

"Well since I already told you about then I might as well, we weren't really trying to keep it a secret we were more surprised that nobody found out"

"About 9 years ago I married the No.8 Hero Uravity"

This shocked the retired heroes even more Ochaco was in 1-A a class they teached, the two could hold conversations with her but uraraka never really liked them, to her it felt like they were always hiding something trying to cover it up

"And my daughter is named Eri"

This shocked Izumi even more as she took part in the raid, but also remembered that Izuku was the one who saved Eri's life in the end

"Huh, why didn't you ever tell us Izuku?"

Izumi looked at her mother with the most dumbfounded expression, it should be obvious as to he didn't let them know

"What do you mean, "why didn't you ever tell us" you know exactly why"

Izumi's reply shocked a few even Izuku himself but he let her continue

"I've done somethings that I'm not proud of, despite how the media might make me seem I'm not a saint"

"The things me and my friends did to Izuku were pardon my language fucked up"

The audience gasped at the No.1's choice in language

"But you knew better, you're adults more importantly you're heroes, you're supposed to save everyone but you chose not to save the person closest to you, someone who begged for help, and now you have the gall to ask my said person no longer wanted you in their lives"

"It took a shit ton of group therapy sessions for that person to forgive me and my friends but that was only because we were all trying to be better and he was willing to give us another chance, unlike you who tried to force yourselves back into his life whilst acting like another was ever wrong in the first place"

The audience was silent except for the clapping of a single individual, said individual also happens to be the the commissioner general of Japan's National Police Agency

"That Guys, Gals, and Non-binary pals is called, The No.1 and No.8 were great heroes but bad parents........I should name my autobiography that"

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Jun 23, 2021 ⏰

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