Chapter 2

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Ash had been asleep for two days now and Leo was worried that she would never wake up. "Master Leo you mustn't worry I'm sure she will wake up shortly" josh said.

"She's been asleep for 2 days, she was supposed to wake up for a feeding then rest again but she hasn't woken up" Leo said pacing up and down the room.

"Where am I" Ash asked rubbing her eyes and they both turned around to see her looking at them.

"Josh leave before she smells you" Leo said and josh left leaving the two vampires in the room.

"What did you do to me" ash said getting out of bed and reaching for her gun and realizing it wasn't there. "Where's my gun" she asked and Leo walked over to her.

"You dropped it" Leo said and ash looked around trying to find away to escape and go home. "Careful my child the second you walk out these wall your senses will go wild and you will kill anything and everything you see" Leo said.

"What did you do to me" she said then she remembered everything like how he killed all her friends and turned her. Her eyes went a blood red colour and her fangs showed.

"Ash calm down your going to hurt yourself" Leo said putting his arms out.

"You killed my friends, my girlfriend, my family" ash said and charged for Leo. He sighed and restrained her stopping her from hurting him and herself.

"Ash you need to calm yourself down right now" Leo said and Ash sighed knowing she had lost the fight.

"Why did you do it" ash asked and Leo looked at her shocked.

"Your beloved hunters killed my son, my wife, my daughter" Leo said. Ash gasped looking sad.

"I'm sorry I didn't know, a vampire killed my brother and my family" ash sighed and Leo looked sad. They both sat down on the bed.

"I guess we have both lost people to the opposite sides" Leo said and ash nodded.

"To many people have died to this war when's it going to end" ash sighed standing up and walking over to the window.

"Look you can hate me all you want but your connected to me, I turned you" Leo said and ash turned around and started to pace.

"Why didn't you kill me" ash said, Leo looked speechless, did ask really want to die instead of being turned into a vampire.

"Because I saw something in you and I couldn't let that die, like I said before we are connected to me by blood and that technically makes you my child" Leo said.

"Man that's messed up you look 3 years older then me" ash said Leo let out a chuckle.

"I'm much older then that dear" Leo said sitting down. "Join me" he said and ash sat down.

"My throat is burning" ash said holding her throat and Leo took her hand in his.

"Feed from me until I can find you someone to feed off" Leo said holding up his wrist. Ash looked at the wrist licking her lips then biting into his pale skin.

Leo let out a sigh as his newly turned vampire fed from him. "I promise my child nothing will ever happen to you as long as I live" he said stoking her hair.

Ash pulled away and wiped the blood from her lips. "I'm going back to sleep" ash said laying down and his lap and gently falling asleep.

Leo smiled and stroked her hair. "Sleep well my child" he said pacing her in bed and walking out.

"Master Leo we have a problem" josh said running over to him. Leo's smile soon faded when he saw the worry on his face.

"What's wrong Joshua" he said and josh took a deep breath in trying to catch his breath.

"Ash was the daughter of one of the village chief and now he demands you return her or your place and all it's people will die" josh said and Leo sighed.

"What am I going to do, if I give ash back then he will kill her and if I don't I might start an even bigger war" Leo mumbled to himself.

"Tell them I'm dead its not like your lying or anything" ash said walking out the room. Both men faced her and Leo couldn't help but smile then frown.

"Your supposed to be resting" he said and ash have him a small glare.

"It's kind of hard with all the talking right outside my door" ash said and josh chuckled. Leo sent a small glare his way.

"Come on you need your rest" Leo said and he helped her back into her room. "I will consider your idea but for now get some sleep please" he said and ash eyes closed once again.

Leo smiled planting a small kiss on her forehead before leaving to return to josh. "Do as she says josh and don't let me down" Leo said, Joshua nodded and ran off down the all way.

"What a long day" Leo said, walking to his own room and getting some rest he knew that it was going to be another long day.

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