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September 1st. Dear Diary, I believe I am a good person, I believe that there's good in everyone, well most people, but at this school it's just like the goodness has been sucked out. Seriously what happened? I remember some of these kids in Elementary School, i remember Tom and Harry, they were best friends with Joe, everyone got along and now look at them. Terrorising freshmen? I don't even know anymore.

My diary entry was cut short by a tap on my shoulder. I spun round to face my best friend Joe, who was stood at his locker with a new script clutched in his hands.

"Hey Joe." I smiled. Joe had been my best friend since we were kids. His mom worked with my mom and I'd known him as long as i remember.

"We on for tonight?" Joe asked. Tonight was supposed to be our weekly movie night.

"Yeah, you're picking the movie" i laughed knowing full well he'd already picked his favourite movie 'Yesterday'

"Awww look it's Joe and his girlfriend." Said a voice from behind me. I spun around to see the stupid face of Harry Styles smirking at me.

"WHAT'S THIS THEN?" Another voice, belonging to Tom Hiddleston began, snatching the script from Joe's hands and holding out of his reach.

"Hey! give that back." I told Tom sternly trying to reach the script in his hand but he was holding it too high up.

"I'm sorry, are you actually talking to me?" Tom replied laughing slightly.

"Yes, I am. I wanna know what gives you the right to pick on my friend?" I told him seriously snatching the script away from him.

"Ooooooh looks like Joe needs to be protected by his girlfriend, how sweet." Tom wolf whistled as him and Harry walked away making rather inappropriate gestures.

"Just ignore them." I told Joe who had blushed a bright crimson colour, as i gave him the script back and shut my locker. Waving goodbye to Joe, i set off down the hallway aiming to go to the bathroom before lunch was over.

As i walked through the door I heard a voice and immediately recognised it. How could you not? It belonged to the Queen B, she ran the school and everyone in it, even the teachers. That voice belonged to Karlie Kloss.

"Grow up Katy. If you want him to ask you you need to stop crying in the bathroom and actually go talk to him." She snapped at Katy who was stood over the sink, mascara dripping down her face.

Next to them was Olivia, she was head cheerleader and ran the yearbook, she was the nicest of the three, and was stood watching the scene, looking unsure what to do.

"Maybe you could give him a gift or something?" she suggested kindly.

I was about to back out of the bathroom and avoid being noticed when the door slammed shut and all three of the girls turned to look at me.

"Sorry- I can leave-" I began before Karlie strutted over and placed a finger over my lips.

"No, no don't leave. Who are you?" The way she said it, sounded sweet, but it came across rather aggressive and i wasn't quite sure what to think.

"Uh... I'm Taylor, Taylor Swift. I'm in your biology class." I told her nervously.

She nodded, considering something for a second.

"You know for a nerd, you do have a good bone structure." She said shrugging.

"And I love your hair! It's like perfect curls. Is that natural?" Olivia chimed in smiling at me. I nodded smiling back at her.

"Of course, you'd have to wear nicer clothes then whatever your wearing right now." Katy stated eying me up and down, clearly judging me.

"If you ditch the glasses and put on a nice fit, you could sit with us at lunch sometime." Karlie smiled at me before beckoning for Katy and Olivia to follow her. Katy barged past me and took her place next to Karlie. Olivia gave me a small smile and a wave as she left.

I knew in my mind this was a bad idea. But I guess FOMO got the best of me and so that night I sorted an outfit out and rummaged through my drawer for my contact lenses. I was actually gonna be popular!

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