Part 1.13

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"Why do I keep getting kidnapped?" Simon groans.

"Not to be self-centered, but I think it's me they're after." Clary smiles sadly.

Alaric puts Simon and Clary down at a table. He and Theo sit across from them.

Clary looks at Alaric, terrified of what's about to happen. "Okay, what is going on? Alaric, did you arrest us for trespassing or something, because, news flash, I was in my own apartment."

Theo staightens up. "We're just having a little conversation, that's all."

Simon holds his handcuffed hands out. "Do you always handcuff people you wanna talk to? I bet this guy has one of the scariest online profiles ever."

Theo points at Simon. "This guy's funny. I like funny."

"Look, I know you're scared of Luke. He's trying to find you, I can keep you safe. You just need to tell us where the Mortal Cup is." Alaric calmly tells Clary.

"Everyone thinks I can find this Cup, but I don't know where it is!" she blows up. "I can't help you. I'm sorry. Now, will you please let us go?"

Theo stabs a fork into the table. "Playtime's over. Now, we're gonna try it my way." Theo beckons a guy who takes Simon away.

"Hey, hey-" Simon swats his hands away as the man tries to grab him. Despite all the efforts to push him away, the man grabs Simon and takes him away to a cell.

Clary looks at her bestfriend, eyes wide as panic washes over her face. "Hey, don't touch him!"

Theo grabs her by the back of her neck harshly. She lets out a small whimper in pain as her pulls her hair. "Don't move. Tell us where the Cup is or your funny friend dies."

"Please, please... Please, don't hurt Simon, okay? I promise you, I swear to you, I do not know where this Cup is."

"That's too bad. Get rid of him." He releases his grip from her neck as she slumps against the ground.

"What? Hey, let go of me!" Simon struggles under the iron grip of his captor.

Clary gets back on her feet and yells for her friend. "Simon! Please, wait, don't hurt him!" Theo ignores her pleads. Simon is taken into the kitchen as he shouts Clary's name. "No! Please, wait! Simon... no!"

Time passes as Clary sits on the table sobbing softly as she hears grunting and screams from the kitchen. Theo returns to the table where the redhead is sitting, red-faced and tearstained. "Please, tell me Simon's okay." she asks, her voice low and quivering.

"He's alive... for now."

"Thank God." She lets out a sigh.

"You can thank whoever you want. But if you don't tell us where the Cup is we're gonna introduce Gretel here to your friend. "The silver-white wolf growls."She's one of our fiercest warriors. She'll rip him to shreds."

Realization strikes her as she looks at the all. "You're werewolves." She looks at Alaric to confirm her doubts.

Theo takes threatening steps towards her. "Obviously. And your friend is dog meat if you don't give us the Cup."

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