Tyrion stepped a few timid paces closer to Brienne. "You understand, then, why he left?" He pushed his luck even further.

Brienne took no insult at his question. In fact, she realized it felt strangely comforting to talk to someone about the events that had transpired. "Jaime imparted his reasons to me." She replied bashfully. "And I believe him." She assured.

Tyrion nodded and pondered Brienne's acceptance of Jaime's confession. "That is good." He acknowledged. "I truly have never seen him so content and fulfilled as when he was with you at Winterfell." He told Brienne, his expression kind and concerned. "He had every intention of staying there with you." Tyrion asserted.

Brienne's gaze fell to the floor. "So he has told me." She said calmly, her demeanor not conveying the hope she found in that truth.

"He loves you with all of his heart." Tyrion stated plainly and honestly.

Brienne stared at him, the pain returning to her eyes. "Then he should have stayed." She answered stiffly.

"You are correct." Tyrion concurred. "He should have." His tone held a resentful judgement toward Jaime that was not lost on Brienne. "His only justification was that everything he did, was to protect you." Tyrion attempted to plead Jaime's case even further.

Brienne nodded softly. "He said as much when we spoke." She replied.

Tyrion lowered his chin reverently. "It is the truth, My Lady." He affirmed. "Until Bronn found us in that Tavern in Winter Town, Jaime was determined to build a future with you." He swore. "It was only the news that Cersei could win and remain on the Iron Throne, that tore Jaime from your side." Tyrion repeated the story Jaime had himself detailed to her. "Your life was in peril. Whether it would have been leading the troops in a war Cersei was sure to start with the North, or through an attempt upon your life born of her malicious jealousy, like the one Bronn had been sent to carry out, Jaime could not bear to think of you in danger." Tyrion described. "That was the only reason he left you, to keep you safe." He said proudly.

Brienne studied him intently. She knew Tyrion would not lie to her. For all his faults, at least he was honest. "Jaime revealed to me that Ser Bronn had been sent to kill us all, on the Queen's orders." She replied, not lifting her eyes.

Tyrion sighed deeply. "He was." The Hand of the King confirmed. "That was when Jaime realized that he could not stay with you." He said sadly. "You would never have been safe while Cersei lived." He agreed.

Brienne looked away. "I have already heard all of the details from your brother." She was growing eager to be gone from Lord Tyrion's solar. Brienne could still remember the recounting that Jaime had confessed to her a few evenings before. She saw no need to now listen to the events from his brother.

"Did he tell you that it was I who freed him when he was captured by Daenarys' troops?" Tyrion continued, his face showing a tinge of sorrow.

Brienne eyed him in shock "No. He did not." She answered cooly.

Tyrion's expression grew more troubled than Brienne had ever seen it. "When I finally got to him, he was in chains." He lamented. However, it was clear that was not the fact which pained him. "He was crazed. His eyes wild with despair. His body shaking with torment. It was not my brother I found, but a dead man." Tyrion recalled. "Even his words made no sense, spouting some nonsense about never having cared for innocents." He scoffed. "Can you imagine? The man who slew his king to save a city." He nearly laughed at the disparity."From what I understand, the man who gave his sword hand saving you from rape, and jumped before a bear without a weapon so save your life. The same man who traveled a thousand miles to fight the dead by your side. That same man not caring for innocents?" Tyrion did not try to hide his disgust at the thought. "Perhaps he was trying to make him self believe it, to justify hurting you, but I should have known his mind had left him." Tyrion let out a long sigh, and stroked his beard. His eyes were distant and regretful.

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