chapter 23

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It was getting late, Whitty was a little worried. He tried calling senpai, but didn't get an answer. He tried again, and someone picked up, but it wasn't senpai. "Hello?" It was a woman's voice, Whitty narrowed his eyebrow. This was probably the "colleague" senpai talked about. "hello, is senpai there" he asked clearly irritated. "Sorry, he's in the bathroom" she answered returning the tone of voice.

Whitty didn't have time to deal with her bulls*it so he sighed and said. "Okay, could you please tell him to call me as soon as he gets out?" He asked trying his hardest not to be rude. "Sure I'll let him know" she answered. Then she hung up. Whitty was already pissed off, he took a deep breath. "I'm sure he'll be home in no time" he said to himself. He was a little upset, but he didn't want to bother Pico.

Senpai had just gotten back from the bathroom, and saw his phone had a notification. It was a missed call from Whitty. "Oh crap, I'd better call him back" senpai, said worried. "You don't have to" Jackie said taking the phone from him. "Are you sure?" Senpai asked, still worried.  "Of course he'll-" just then Senpai's phone rang. "Oh its him gotta take his call, be right back!" He called running in the opposite direction.

Jackie sighed, "why is he so important" she grumbled frustrated. He never mentioned anything about dating anybody. "He's probably just a really good friend, but he did sound really annoyed." She laughed to herself. "Poor thing probably likes him huh" she thought. He did sound pretty ticked off. "Annoying him is kinda fun" she thought.

Senpai ran back to Jackie, "I'm sorry, i have to go" he said grabbing his things. "Already" she said pouting. "Yeah, something came up" he said. "I can give you a ride home" she offered. "Actually, a friend is already waiting for me outside" he said leaving. "Oh, ok see you tomorrow" she called. Senpai walked outside and saw Pico's car. He hopped in, "hey I'm really sorry for waking you up" he said. Pico smiled, "it's okay I wasn't that tired anyway" he yawned.

"Are you sure you're not sleepy?" Senpai asked. "Yeah, I'm fine" Pico said. They pulled into the driveway and senpai hopped out. "Thanks again, bye!" Senpai called as Pico drove away. He walked inside, the first thing he saw was... Whitty asleep next to the door.

He smiled, and bent down to wake him up. "Hey, babe I'm home" he said gently shaking him.  Whitty yawned, "hmm?" He said looking up. "Oh you're back, can we go to bed now?" Whitty asked standing up. "Of course we can let's go" senpai said. They walked into their bedroom. Before senpai had a chance to look at him, Whitty grabbed onto senpai's waist. "H-hey, what are you doing?" Senpai asked blushing. "I wanna go to bed" Whitty answered. Pulling him onto the bed with him. Senpai was blushing profusely, but he smiled.

"Next time, don't let your friend answer the phone" Whitty mumbled. "What do you mean?" Senpai asked confused. "You're friend answered the phone, i don't like her very much" he said. "Oh, ok i won't" senpai was very confused, Jackie never mentioned Whitty calling him, but he did see the notification. He'd have to ask her about it tomorrow. Right now he wanted to get some sleep, he snuggled into Whitty's chest.

whitty x senpai (i couldn't think of a better title sorry) Where stories live. Discover now