Baekhyun frowned,"That literally makes no sense. I think even you know it."

Baekhyun has been suspicious that Jian has been sneakily trying to avoid him since her birthday. But he used to brush that thought of thinking she's just busy with studies. But something really seems to be going on with her.

Baekhyun shook his head. He isn't having it. He held her wrist and dragged her out of her room,"Let's go. I can't see your descend to insanity anymore. You can study with a fresh mind when we come back."




"Shut it.."

Jian finally gave up,"Okay okay..I will go. Just let go of my wrist..Mr.Annoying Boomer."

Baekhyun looked at her, smiled and let go,"Let's go."

Is she...blushing?

Baekhyun shook his head.

Well..of course she isn't. Stop wishful thinking, Byun Baekhyun.

After taking a walk, Baekhyun and Jian went to bakery place a bit far from their home. Jian doesn't come here a lot but it's nice. The food looks delicious. Baekhyun wanted to take her to eat something healthy but she pestered him to take her to this bakery. She knew lately Baekhyun has been craving some strawberry pastries. So it all works out. After ordering they sat at a table by the huge glass windows of the bakery. Baekhyun has really been looking very young. His matching blue tracksuit and a white T-shirt underneath with his bangs almost reaching his eyes gave him such a childlike innocence. Maybe because of that all the girls in the bakery were looking at him and whispering things to each other. Jian didn't like that at all. She tried to be subtle but very non subtly glared at all of them one by one. She was literally throwing daggers with her eyes at their direction without realizing.

Soon their cakes arrived. Baekhyun happily dove in, but Jian couldn't enjoy it as much as she'd like too because there's chicks eyeing Baekhyun. She knows Baekhyun is handsome but there's no need to stare at him like that.

"We're never coming back here again,"Jian said.

"Why? The pastry is really tasty though,"Baekhyun said innocently.

"I don't like the environment and there's vultures everywhere."

That's when Baekhyun figures out what was happening. He was used to getting stares so it didn't bother him too much.

Baekhyun saw it Jian's face and smiled. Jian noticed it,"Why're you smiling like that?"

"You're gonna scare them. Let them enjoy the view. Don't let them bother you."

Jian frowned,"Listen, who said I'm bothered? I'm just trying to protect their eyes. You look like a clown with your matching clothes. Such an eyesore."

"Sure sure,"Baekhyun said while smiling wider.

That made her heart feel weird,"Don't smile like that, you look like a creep."

Baekhyun nodded but didn't stop smiling.

"I told you to stop smiling like that."

As soon as Baekhyun finished his pastry Jian got up and held his elbow in front of everyone, "Let's go, I need to go back to study. Took too long of an useless and infuriating break."

Baekhyun again just smiled,"Let's go."

One night a few minutes before midnight Baekhyun came down from his roof to get some water. He was expecting to see downstairs in complete darkness but surprisingly the lights of the living room were on. He was curious so he got into the living room and saw a very confusing scenario. Jian was sitting on the couch with the router by her side and her phone, her grandma's phone and her laptop on her lap. She also has a blue blanket over her head and a tons of snacks on the table.

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