Random Dump of stuff from the first AU (Part 1)

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Amy is sweetest person you could ever meet at first

Tim and Jay hadn't met Amy bc the day that Alex brought her to meet everyone, Jay was sick, and Tim had a doctor appointment.

Sarah and Brian dated for two months before Brian had to tell her he liked Tim. She was thankfully really accepting and appreciated that he told her before they got too far in their relationship. 

Amy's not actually dead. Alex convinced her to leave the town when the Operator found him  and he decided to be distracting enough with his actions to get the Operator to not go after her and stay with him. 

The Operator brought back Alex after he died, but it was a mistake since Alex immediately went back to Amy and the two started moving from place to place to stay together and away from it.

Jessica had a huge crush on Amy, but had to let it go.

Brian and Jessica's parents were very homophobic and the two don't like like talking about them. 

Alex is allergic to dogs, as well as pollen, pineapple, cats, and dust. 
Sarah's allergic is bullsh-

-Jay: Homoromantic/Demisexual (Gay/Demi)
-Tim: Queer (Doesn't want to put himself into a category, but is somewhere on the pride spectrum)
-Brian: Homoromantic Pansexual 
-Sarah: Biromantic/Pansexual (Bi/Pan)
-Amy: Heteroromantic/Heterosexual (Straight)
-Seth: Heteromantic/Asexual (Straight ace)
-Jessica: Homoromantic/Homosexual (Lesbian)
-Alex: Demiromantic/Heterosexual (Demi/Straight)

Sarah hated Amy, and nobody knows why.

Seth's dog was a service dog and Seth was selectively mute as a child. Alex didn't know this.

Sarah, Tim, and Brian were mostly their own group separate from the filming group. 

Jay is used to people calling him names and teasing and bullying him, and Brian and Tim sometimes have to go and remind him that that's not normal or okay. 

Jessica is a mom. Like literally. Im giving her a kid now.

Sarah was sort of a tough love kind of person and never really trusted people or let anyone in at first. 

Amy is a great baker. 

All of them had a messy childhood.
-Jay was bullied bc he wouldn't fight back and wouldn't tell teachers
-Tim was in fights a lot bc of his anger (when he was in school again with Brian) and had to deal with his family putting him in a hospital, and also had to deal with the Operator following him
-Brian was abused by his homophobic family and had to help Tim to make sure he didn't get hurt
-Jessica was bullied at school for being a lesbian and sticking up for people
-Seth get hurt a lot since he would barely talk, and barely anyone listened when he did
-Sarah got in trouble a lot and was disliked by her teachers
-Amy was seen as too nice, and many people took advantage of that.
-Alex was in the same mess as Sarah bc they were really close when they were younger.

Nobody knew Amy and Alex are alive.

Amy is a Niki kinnie.

Brian is a musical nerd and is probably the only good actor of the filming group. 

Unlike what you'd think, Tim and Sarah got along really well. They both seemed to understand each other and their anger issues. They were not as close as Brian and Tim are, but they were very close. 

Tim and Brian met first in elementary school, and then the two met Sarah in middle school.
Sarah and Alex were best friends at the time, but Alex didn't meet the two immediately, until Sarah had detention with him once and Brian and Tim waited for them and met him.
Jay met Alex way later on in senior year of highschool, and Jay met the rest of the group in college.
Amy and Jessica met in college and became roommates, before Amy met Alex. Seth became mutual friends with the group when Alex was looking for people for the movie. Amy met the cast except for Jay and Tim when Alex brought her to filming one time.

Sarah have anger issues like Tim.

Jay has ADHD. 

Hogwarts Houses:
Jay- Hufflepuff
Brian- Gryffindor
Tim- Slytherin
Amy- Gryffindor
Alex- Ravenclaw
Sarah- Slytherin
Seth- Hufflepuff
Jessica- Gryffindor

Jay- November 23 (Headcanon or Canon? idk-)
Brian- March 3 (Headcanon)
Tim- December 20 
Amy- October 3rd (Headcanon)
Alex- April 4
Sarah- August 4 (Headcanon)
Seth- August 29 (Headcanon)
Jessica- February 13 (Headcanon)

Amy: 25
Alex: 26
Sarah: 26
Seth: 23
Jessica: 27

Seth and Sarah are ghosts.

Seth is one of the shortest of the Marble Hornets cast, the actual shortest being Jay. 

Jay has tried destroying his mask, and even hiding it, and no matter what, he will wake up with it next to him. Even after, he's escaped, it won't let him.

Alex has an Operator symbol engraved on his cheek that he can't get off, and he's tried covering it with a bandage, but the symbol came through the bandage. 

Jay, Brian, and Tim are comfortable wearing feminine clothes, and have done it many times.

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