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5 years later...


'Marinette, will you marry me?' I kneel down on one knee and hold up the ring box.

'Marinette, will you marry me?' I kneel down on one knee and hold up the ring box

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'I'm sorry, Adrien. I can't...'

My heart clutched at those words. 

'Sike. I would love to'

'Princess, come on!' I said as I hugged my now fiance' and slipped her ring.

2 years later...

'Adrien can I tell you something?'

'Anything, M'lady'

'I'm pregnant,'

6 years later...

'Mommy, let's go,' the triplets called.

My beautiful wife comes out, looking as beautiful as ever.

'Emma, Hugo, Louis have you taken your bags?' I ask the 5 year old triplets. 

'Yes Daddy,'

I look over to my little family.

Now and Forever.

A Disastrous RevealWhere stories live. Discover now