"No fight please!" Dawn said pleading and gulped when they all turn to her.

"FINE! Go wherever you want!" snapped Misty as Leaf immediately left, not without banging the door which made Dawn cringe.


"What they think I am?!" Leaf yelled to herself wandering aimlessly alone on a cold mist evening.

"Leaf listen, you're this and that should do this and not that. I am not a human but a machine for them isn't it!??! Yeah, I am an understanding girl but I need to be understood too! No one can control me but me! My thoughts are mine so are my tears, pain, laugh, smiles, and my work. I am not a toy machine to be played and thrown in the corner to be dealt with later! I do have feelings!" Leaf said irritated, she kicked whatever pebbles came her way not caring about how many stares she was receiving.

A brightly lit window of an antique shop caught her eye. Antiques always had interested Leaf. Grasping the handle of the door, she opened it. It opened with those cheerful jingle-jangle bells.

It was a large and beautiful room full of traditional treasures. Suits of armor, warming pans, misted mirrors, spinning wheels, chandeliers, chess-men, furniture of every size, and every period were there. Despite the clutter of antiques, the room was clean, brightly lit with a pleasant smell. Leaf's mind for a moment forgot about her fight as she stared around. Two girls; who she assumed by their resembles were sisters stood up from their armchair. They were bright, active, and fairly dressed. Their smiles that reached their eyes made Leaf smile as her mood started to brighten up

The girls were more than willing to show Leaf around the shop and display their knowledge and hardly caring about whether or not was Leaf interested to Buy anything.

Leaf bought a Sheffield plate for her cousin and left the shop reluctantly. The knowledge the girls showed her, touched her heart.

"Have a nice day Miss! Always pleased to see you anytime" the elder sister said genuinely. Leaf smiled and started hopping her way to the hostel, humming a tune. The sight of the hostel reminded Leaf of her fight. She placed her hands in her pocket and walked away, not knowing when she entered the forest. The trees were casting scary and threatening shadows but Leaf kept on moving until she heard the sound of a river. She took out an old Pokeball which belonged to her great great great great great great great great great great great great Grandparents. It was the last pokemon who survived.

"Come out" a young ditto pop-out

"transform" Leaf said emotionless, a bright light came from it as the ditto turned into an eagle. Leaf handed it the Sheffield plate which was packed. The eagle flew high and Leaf watched till it fades away in the clouds.

It was nighttime now, Leaf went back to the shop thinking to ask some questions regarding the mysterious disappearance. Seeing the door having a closed tag she sighed. Something caught her eye inside the shop, she grasped the handle, and to her shock, the door was opened. She got inside and sighed with relief. She shivered, the warm feeling was gone and it was quite cold.

"May I help you?" A voice of an old man rang in her ears. Leaf noticed the man was old, ragged, absolutely no life in his eyes. His eyes were like lifeless planets not saying or expressing any thoughts.

"May I help you?" He sounded as if he was desperate, pleading for an answer. Still, Leaf couldn't see any sign of hope or irritation in anything in his eyes. It was hard to imagine how the cheerful friendly girls could let this man be as if he just woke up from dead.

"I..... I was just looking around." Leaf managed to say, seeing the man in such a state made her forget her purpose of being here. The man signed and nodded, leading her to a different room. He lit a candle, which cast threatening shadows of objects around her. The man picked a crystal that was shining lightly, it was a mix of colors of blue, red, orange, green, purple, brown, and silver. Leaf observed it, it was slightly familiar to her but she couldn't point it out.

"50 paise," he said as he handed it to her. Leaf by mistake touched his hand, it was really cold. "Paisa or rupee?"


"That's too much less!"

"Buy it or leave it." Though by his expression, one could easily make out that he was desperate to sell it to Leaf.

"Okay...." Leaf handed him the money and left the shop slightly startled. When she reached the hostel, it was quite dark. Luckily for her, everyone was asleep. So she kept the crystal aside and slept. (A/N 50 paisa is 0.50 rupees) The next morning, Lucy knocked on the door. Dawn opened it after making sure her hair was okay. The other three girls were sleeping soundly.

"Morning Dawn! I am here to check whether students are cleaning their room on a regular basis or not." Dawn just nodded, not trusting her mouth that may have morning gross breath, she made way for the principal.

Lucy stepped in and examined the room. She nearly falls down gasping for air, breaking the flower pot near the almirah. The girls woke up alarmed with May screaming.

"What is-wait-why is the Principal?- HOLD ON- Good Morning Ma'am!" May immediately said jumping on the bed, standing in an attentive position.

Dawn groaned and cleaned the broken pieces as Misty helped Lucy.

"What happened Miss?" Misty asked, Leaf sat on the bed and glanced at Lucy.

"Where did you girls find it!??!" she shrieked walking towards the crystal bought by Leaf yesterday's night.

"On a store?" Leaf said unsure, she forgot that it was even there.

"Oh, now you go buying things without informing us," Misty muttered under her breath, but all the girls could hear it. Leaf glared while May and Misty rolled their eyes. Dawn sighed, secretly hoping they to get over their fight.

"Do you even know what it is!?"Lucy said smiling as she helps the precious crystal in her hands.

"Something worth only 50 paise and not even 1 rupees." Leaf answered nonchalantly as she set her bed.

"Oh, my lovely life!"Lucy exclaimed.

All the girls thought that this isn't Lucy they knew or perhaps they didn't know her at all.

Lucy smiled and said

"Leaf dearie, it costs 10 million crores."


**Everyone dead inside their mind***

"WHAT!?" Dawn exclaimed breaking the silence


Ash looked outside the window, he hasn't found anything suspicious and was bored. He couldn't stop thinking about how Paul must be doing.

After all their father was the cruelest person. He even wrote "Freak" on Paul's back once, when he refused to kill a small human girl.

He hit Gary's hands with a whip when he refused to do something.

Ash and Drew used to get hit with punches and kicks when they fail.

only Paul has the courage to go and face father

He just hopes for his well-being.


Did you all like the chapter? sorry it wasnt much ^^"

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