Chapter 13

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Boy do i have a plot twist for u at the end of this


Pregnant. She was pregnant. What the hell was she gonna do now? How is she gonna tell Josie? What's gonna happen now? Hope sighs as she rubs her temple. "Easy mom, breathe." Marshall rubs her back. She shakes her head and goes to her room. The twins quickly follow. "Whoa, slow down. It's ok-" she turns around to face them before magically closing the door. "How? How is this ok? I am pregnant for God sake! How?! How the hell did this happen?!" The twins look away. "I'm pretty sure you know how that happened." Hope rolls her eyes. "I know how that could happen, I just....what am I gonna do?" She sighs. The twins sigh. "First of all, you need to tell Ma. She needs to know." Hope shakes her head. "No, no I can't tell her. Not yet. It's too soon. It's-" "You're going to be married someday, you're going to have kids, you're pregnant right now, as we speak. We are living proof of that, you can't just ignore it. And you can't hide it from her." Marshall shakes his head. Hope runs her hand through her hair. "I know, I know. I'm not going to, I just....I need to figure out how to tell her, that's all."

"There's also one other thing." Andrea sighs. Hope turns to her. "When we were in your room, your prism fell to the floor and a simulation of Landon appeared. He's in trouble." Hope nods. "Alright, I gotta go find Raf." She goes to leave before Marshall grabs her arm. "You're not seriously going, are you? You're-" he quickly looks around to make sure no one is listening. "You're pregnant, mom. You are in no condition to go out there by yourself." He whispered. "Who said I'm going alone?" She smirks. Later on, Hope goes to get Raf to come with her in finding his best friend. She gives him a moonlight right so he can control his wolf, only side effect is that only she can turn him back, since the ring was made from crescent wolves. "Look, I'm sorry but I can't join the fight." He tells her as they're walking down the hall. "Don't worry, I'm not going alone." Hope smiles and nods towards the rest of their friends. "My squad answered the bat signal." Lizzie comes up behind them and stops in front of Josie. "She's coming?" They both ask. "I need all the help I can get, so please put your twin war on pause." Hope insists. "Fine, but only because I love you." Josie sighs as she walks up to her kisses her on the cheek. "Why is he going?" Rafael asks as he points to Jed. "He hates Landon." "Look, you're the alpha. If Landon's your pack, that makes him ours." Jed tells him. "Where's MG at?" Kaleb looks around for him. "He's on his way. Let's load up while we wait for him, come on." She heads to the front door before Marshall quickly comes up beside her and grabs her bag. "Wha-" he shakes his head. "I'm not gonna let you do any heavy lifting." He whispered.

Hope sighs and let's her son carry it, knowing she's going to lose this argument. As they leave out the front door, a group of heavily armed men block their way. "Oh sorry, we were about to knock." "Who the hell are you?" Lizzie asks. "Names Burr, Triad Industries." Hope casts a spell but she's left confused when nothing happens. "I got this." Kaleb drops his bag before speeding towards the man, only to be stopped by the sun. "What you don't got is magic, which is why your daylight ring won't work. And what we have are stakes, wolfsbane and other things. So I think you should invite us inside." The group sighs before the reluctantly allow the men to come inside. They round everyone up inside the main hall and pass around a photo of a chalice. A chalice that they want everyone to start finding. When everyone splits up, the girls and the twins go straight to Alaric's office. Hope tries the phone and sighs when she doesn't hear anything. "It's dead. We have to find the school cell." She starts looking around. "Check MG's tighty whiteys." Lizzie says. "Really? This is serious." Josie tells her. "Oh I'm sorry, we can't all be born with resting concerned face." Lizzie snarks at her. Josie gasps. "Didn't this shelf used to have books on it?" Hope asks as she stares at a box. "Yeah, that's weird." Josie walks up behind her. "What is that?" Andrea asks. Hope grabs the box and places it down on the desk. "Whatever they did to block out our magic must have dropped a spell your dad had." Lizzie walks up and grabs the box. "Big shocker, dad's hiding something from us." "Unless it has the school phone in it, it doesn't matter." Hope sighs. The girls continue to argue as Hope and the twins search around the office. "Hey, guys! Found it!" Andrea turns around, holding a cell phone. They quickly use it to call Alaric. "Whoever this is gets extra credit." "It's Hope, triad is here." She sighs. "Everyone ok?" Alaric asks. "Yeah the our powers are gone." Hope tells Alaric what's going on. Hope sighs as she hangs up. "What do we do now?" Lizzie asks her. "Now, we have to get our powers back." Hope nods. "Wait, dad said not to do anything crazy." Josie quickly interjects. "Me defying your dad isn't crazy, it's consistent." The doors suddenly open and the guy from earlier comes in. He pulls out a gun on them and Hope scoffs. "That's your plan? You're gonna shoot a kid?" She asks. "This would never harm a human child. You five, however, these bullets were weaponized by Triad scientists. They can break the skin of any supernatural. Fester. Infect them. Disintegrate them, from the inside out." He loads his gun and starts pointing at them. "Eenie, meenie, miney...." "Mo!" Lizzie charges forward, only for Josie to stand in the way. Hope and the twins quickly try to cover them but ultimately fail when Josie falls to the floor with a bullet wound in her chest. "Lock them up." The guards stand them up and bring them to the basement, locking them up behind the werewolf transition cells.

Time After Time (Book 1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang