Chapter 1

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Kuroo's POV
"Hurry up dude."

"Alright alright I'm coming." I said with a small smile. I pulled on my jacket and stepped out the door with my friend, Bokuto.

"Finally. I'm so hungry I think I'm gonna die." Bokuto said dramatically. I rolled my eyes at his comment as we walked together.

"Oh hush. Anyway, you think this new restaurant is gonna be any good?"

"I hope so, for my stomach's sake..." he mumbled, and as if on cue, his stomach growled. I laughed and talked with him about his omega he recently mated with to distract him from complaining about his stomach.

"Hey Kuroo, you ever gonna look for a mate??"

"Eh. I mean if the right one comes along. But. Why actively search so hard?"

"Well, I guess, but I mean it is nice having a mate. And you gotta admit that there are some pretty nice omegas around. Or are you more into betas? Or alphas??"

"I dunno. I don't think I'd like another alpha as a mate. But like I said, I'll settle down with someone when the right someone comes along." I said firmly. Bokuto shrugging before continuing to blab about his own mate.

Finally when we got there, we were seated. And I think that Bokuto ordered half the menu. I shook my head and looked around before something caught my eye.

"Kuroo. Kuroo. ....KUROO."


"I was trying to offer you a chicken wing. You good? Cause if you don't want it, I'll eat it." Bokuto said, not even really finishing his sentence before eating the appetizer he ordered.

"Thanks but I'm good.."

"What're you looking at??" He question before turning his head in the same direction I was looking at. I didn't even have to look. I knew Bokuto was giving me a stupid grin.

Kenma's POV
I kept my eyes on my phone screen before feeling someone staring at me. I ignored it though. I was used to others staring at me. Especially alphas.

Me: Someone is staring again

Shoyo: I said I'd go with you to the restaurant to help you!

Me: You also said you weren't feeling well. I'm alright

Shoyo: Is it another alpha?

Me: I think so. I'm avoiding looking

Shoyo: If they're bothering you, wanna come over?

Me: Don't you want to rest?

Shoyo: I feel better, besides, I'd like some company!

Me: Alright. Then I'll be over soon

I smiled faintly to myself and tucked my phone away before paying for my meal. When I got up, I decided to peak at whoever was staring. I tilted my head a bit, seeing two alphas sitting together.

One of them was just stuffing his face with food. The other was the one looking at me. I ended up staring at him curiously before shaking my head and rushing off.

When I got to Shoyo's, he dragged me inside with a smile. He did seem to be feeling much better, but he also still seemed a bit more sluggish than usual.

"Can we go to your room?" I asked, Shoyo nodding as we went to his bedroom. It was a bit of a mess. Probably due to him having been staying in bed all week.

"No nest??" I said curiously, Shoyo clearing his throat.

"I had made one but it had my favorite blankets in it so I disassembled it to get them." he said with an embarrassed laugh. I smiled slightly and began gathering his blankets and pillows off the bed and making a comfortable nest on the floor. Once it was done, I climbed in first and Shoyo climbed in with me.

He started purring and cuddled up to me as we both curled up together.

"So did you ever see who was looking at you at the restaurant?" Shoyo asked curiously. I nodded as he reached up and started taking strands of my hair and braiding them.




"Are you ever gonna pick an alpha?"

"I've never met one who I like enough yet."

"You have a gazillion alphas courting you all the time. Not one??"

"Not yet, no."

"Well, you'll find the one soon enough I'm sure! You have plenty of choices."

"I suppose so. What about you and that one alpha you're talking to?"

"Oh, we're actually getting along quite well." Shoyo mumbled shyly with a tiny smile. I watched him quietly as he continued braiding sections of my hair. I normally liked to keep my hair down, but I was okay with it being pulled back when I was comfortable.

"Do you two think you will be mates?" I asked, Shoyo beginning to blush.


"Are you going to let him help you with your heat this month?"

"K-Kenma..! I- we— enough talking!"  He whined loudly. I smiled faintly and opened my arms, letting Shoyo hide his face in my chest. After a bit, Shoyo calmed down from all the embarrassment and started purring again.

Shoyo's purrs triggered my own, and we both simply laid together and cuddled. It didn't take long for Shoyo to fall asleep on me. I'd move him, but I don't think I was strong enough. Besides, he was warm anyway.

Being left alone with my thoughts, I actually thought back to the alpha who I saw earlier. Usually I wasn't even phased by alphas. There were so many alphas who've tried courting me or tried to get me to be their mate. But I kinda liked how the alpha from earlier looked.

Shoyo is correct. I'm not poor for choices in alphas. So, maybe I could play around with this one.

Omega's ChoiceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora