Chapter 21

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Kuroo's POV
"Kenma, are you sure?"

"Yeah.. I am. I'm scared. But, I'm certain." Kenma mumbled quietly. I nodded and picked up the omega, carrying him towards the bedroom. He held onto me the whole time and seemed to be trembling ever so slightly.


"Just do it before I change my mind.." he mumbled with an embarrassed tone. I cupped both his cheeks and gave him soft kisses until he calmed down some.  When his hands finally stopped trembling, I kissed along from his jaw down to his neck.

I softly kissed where his scent gland was a couple times. Kenma grabbed onto my hand when I sunk my fangs into his neck. I felt my fangs break the skin and the blood start to stain my tongue.

When I pulled back, I cleaned the deep bite mark until it stopped bleeding. Kenma blushed deeply before shaking his head and, with little warning, biting into my scent gland.

There was a pretty sharp pain, but it went away quickly as he started to kiss and clean the wound. I smiled faintly and simply sat there, enjoying the feeling of the omega's affection. My omega's affection.

Once Kenma was finished, he said nothing and simply clung onto me tightly. I smiled and held him when he began purring. Finally Kenma was mine. And I couldn't be happier.

Day or Two Time Skip: Akaashi's POV

"Keijiiiii~" I looked over my shoulder when my alpha snuck up behind me and grabbed my hips. He smiled and started nipping at my neck affectionately.

"Kotaro, are you forgetting we're going to be having guests?"

"No. But they aren't here yet." He said when the doorbell suddenly rang. He whined and pulled away from me so I could answer the door. When I got there and opened the door, I was happy to see Kenma and Kuroo. 

They had informed us that they were marked. Honestly, I was very surprised at the information, but I was happy for them. Especially Kenma. Despite the mistake Kuroo made a few years ago, I think he won't risk losing Kenma a second time. 

"Hello both of you, come in." I said with a smile. Both of them came in and sat on the couch while Kotaro and I sat in some seats across from them. 

It was nice to get to talk with them both with no tension. Though I did notice Kenma was acting very possessive of his alpha. He was seated in Kuroo's lap the entire time, and Kenma kept giving me warning glances. 

I understand any omega's possessiveness of their alpha, especially when just newly mated. But Kenma was a bit over the top. He even was giving a slightly jarring pheromone scent to tell me to leave his alpha alone. 

"So, Kenma, do you have Suga and Daichi watching Haru?"

"No. He's over at his friend's house." Kenma said, not even looking at me, but instead keeping his head against his alpha's chest. I smiled faintly and nodded, deciding to get up and cuddle with my own alpha. 

I remember when Kotaro and I first marked each other. It was quite overwhelming. Sometimes it felt as if things changed since it has been so long. And not to mention that the work of a child puts the space between us often. So, perhaps its a good thing Kuroo and Kenma came over. They're reminding me how in love I was, and still am. 

After a few hours, Kenma got a call and it seemed to be Haru's friend's mother. He got up and pulled Kuroo up with him. 

"Is everything alright?" 

"Yeah, we just need to go pick Haru up early."

"Ah, well the next time you both visit, feel free to bring Haru. He and Grant haven't seen each other for a while." 

"I'm sure he'd love to. We'll see you both again later." Kenma said, holding Kuroo's hand as the two left. I closed the door behind them both before climbing back into Kotaro's lap. 


"Do you want another kid?" I asked suddenly, my alpha widening his eyes in surprise. I tilted my head with a small smile while waiting patiently for him to understand what I wanted. But finally it clicked.

"Oh! Like right now!?" He asked excitedly. I laughed as he suddenly grabbed me and stood up. 

"I don't wanna wait until the bedroom." I said, Kotaro growling and a bit roughly laying me down on the couch. I smiled, a bit pleased that he was losing his self control.

"Ah..! Kotaro.." I whined when he suddenly ripped my shirt. He just gave me a growl in response and finished discarding the ruined shirt onto the ground. He had no reserve when he also suddenly ripped my pants off.

"..You owe me a new outfit after this." I said, my alpha just grumbling an okay and going back to what he wanted.

Thank goodness that Grant's grandparents are watching him tonight.

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