- Fights of long nights -

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Adoption Au - Requested


Phil hadn't agreed to have to sort out every inconvenience when ever one of his boys did something seemingly to annoy another. That wasn't in the contract he'd signed for when he adopted his two sons and fostered another. Of course, though not in the contract. Phil, always made the problem go away.   .   . Right?

So why this time did Phil not get any answers. They were all sitting down at the dinning table, unusually quiet. Wilbur ,the eldest although was adopted first wouldn't look either of his brothers in the eye. A strange occurrence especially since awkward silence made him uncomfortable. Techno, the second oldest and first to be adopted by Phil never really did mind the silence, thought this time he seemed to be the one trying to make conversation. Worrying Phil even more for his anti social son and most social son to be suddenly switching roles.

Lastly there was Phils Foster kid Tommy. The kid had been with the family for the past four months and they all seemed to love eachother as a family. Well as far as Phil thought, but the usually loud and bubbly teen was now sitting staring at his plate of food while poking mindlessly with his fork. Phil might have not know the kid for long but he knew something was up.

"Alright." Phil started, his hands going down to the table standing up push his chair back. "Wilbur, Tommy go to your rooms I need to talk to techno I'll call you in a few minutes." both boy with out saying a word got up and walked off, with Tommy running to his room a bit faster to avoid Wilbur. Though since their rooms were next to each other it was quiet hard for the younger.

"Phil?" Techno asked as soon as the other two were out of sight. Phil turned to Techno with a look as if to ask 'what happened.' Techno took a deep breathe before speaking, "Tommy and Wilbur got into some sort of fight and when I tried to resolve it, Wilbur thought I was taking Tommy's side a-and he snapped. Said somethings to Tommy and it upset him and quiet frankly me..." Techno paused looking up at Phil. Silently asking to not have to say what Wilbur said to Tommy.

"Sorry mate, you know Wilbur won't tell me and Tommy would be to upset to tell me." Phil stated although, he himself wasn't so sure about the situation. Techno let a sigh before continuing, "Wilbur said that 'Tommy wasn't our brother and that how could I choose to side with someone who's not even family" his voice trailing off as he finished.

Techno who was looking down and his feet on the floor, head snapped up. Phil had smashed a glass that was on the table, smashing it into hundred different peices. Techno wouldn't be so afraid putting it down to a simple accident if not for the handle still in Phils hand. "Techno. Clean the glass shards so Tommy doesn't hurt himself. Wouldn't want your brother to end up in the ER tonight would we." Technoblade silently nods going over to pick up the brush while Phil walk down the corridor of the house that held his eldest and youngest rooms.

Phil looked between both doors. Wilbur was decorated with pixeled computer apps and icons with a big 'Wilbur Soot' and 'Lovejoy' sign in the center. Tommy's was similar, with small pixeled minecraft discs decoding the door with a minecraft cow and Allium flower key chain nailed into the door gifted by one of Tommy's school friends. His name had not been put on the door instead a big 'Wife Haver' was written. It made Wilbur burst out laughing the first time he saw it there, so Tommy decided to leave it. Phil smiled at the memory with his boys, before the smile fell when Wilbur door opened and his son was walking out phone in hand not paying attention to his father standing in front of him.

When Wilbur did finally look up he saw and nearly jumped out of his skin. "O-Oh hey Phil. I'm just going to hang out with Niki and Jack alright?" Wilbur asked expecting to be let out, as he was seventeen. "No." Phil stated quiet bluntly.

"Than -wait what?" Wilbur who was looking quiet shocked at the denial. It wasn't that it was late, Phil had let him out at this time before. "We need to Talk, Wilbur " The way Phil said Wilburs name didn't sit right with him so he just nodded wordlessly. He led his father into his room, which wasn't at all clean but egnore that.

Wilbur sat in his desk chair while his father sat on his bed, both egboring the been bag they would usually sit on when they spoke in Wilburs room. Before Wilbur could say anything Phil spoke. "What did you say to Tommy?"

Wilburs eyes went wide before going into a dark glare towards the ground. "Me and Tommy were playfully bantering about who knows what anymore and it quickly turned into a real fight. Techno came over and tired to break us up, saying something off hand about how Tommy was right and.... I got mad I guess" Wilbur paused between remembering what had happened. "I said something really bad to Tommy... And to Techno that he was siding with someone who wasn't apart of the family and, who is going to get sent back to the Foster system within a few weeks....." Wilbur mumbled out. Tears building in the corner of his eyes. Phil knew he cared about Tommy. Hell they were nearly inseparable, when they weren't fighting of course.

"You fucked up." Phil stated plainly although his voice seemed to be deeper then usual. Wilbur let those tears finally fall form his eyes as Phil sat there, "I'm not going to hug oyu and tell you everything is going to be okay Wilbur. You hurt Tommy. You hurt my son. Even if you don't belive he is, he is" Phil said as he stood up and walked to the door leaving Wilbur crying on his bed. "Talk to Tommy Wilbur. You need to."

And with that Phil closed Wilbur door not looking back at it knocking on his youngest son Tommy's door. There was shuffling before Tommy opened the crack of the door to see who it was. "O-oh hey Phil. You done with Techno?" Phil gave Tommy a sympathic look, "About half an hour ago Tom's, we need to talk. Can I come in?"

Tommy nodded as he let his father figure in his room, that still was quiet empty despite the boy being there for four months already. Both sat on the floor as Tommy had a lot of things just thrown on his bed, from doing God knows what. "Guessing that since you finished with Techno half an hour ago, you spoke to Wilbur..." Tommy said as he staire down onto the floor next to him, eyes darkened at the memories of the day.

"I did, yeah." Phil started, "And I'm not happy about it. I don't like when my Sons fight." Tommy looked up to Phil confused. "Techno and Wilbur are fighting?"

"Techno is upset at Wilbur and Wilbur was, not anymore angry at Techno. But technically no. They aren't, You and Wilbur are." Phil said softly putting his arm around his youngest.

"B-but I'm not your son?!? Did Wilbur not tell you what he said? You have to agree! He is actually your son, so you always have to agree with him!" Tommy said a bit to fast to be able to comprehend what he's saying. "Tommy, mate. You wouldn't still be here if I didn't think you were my son?" Tommy stared at Phil for a moment before tears came rushing out fo his eyes.

"Mate? Hey calm down!" Phil said wrapping both arms around Tommy with the boy crying into his chest.

"Your family, Me, Techno, Wilbur. We all love you, no matter what we may say. Wilbur was just upset at Techno and said things with put thinking ahead. I love you Tommy." Tommys tears didn't seem to come to a stop, even when a knock on the door was heard.

"Tommy? Can we talk?"


Might make a part 2 if you liked it!


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