A place to call my own

Start from the beginning


It looked exactly the same. Exactly the fucking same. Well, no, there was one difference. It was smaller. You huffed and took in the room you were all too familiar with. You looked back at Zek and cocked an eyebrow.

"You'll have to understand that this is a very standard space, the room you were previously in and are currently in is extremely similar to that which all on the Armada stay in. And please note, you are technically a prisoner, this kind of treatment is very very unusual. You're only getting this treatment because-" He stopped, the looked at the ground, raising his claw like hand to his mouth, "Because... I'm not sure actually, we've been given no reason for your, eh, not immediate dissection."

You took in this information. It was true that despite the crushing boredom and the numerous injuries, they had been quite generous. If you exclude the kidnapping. Which was really Zim's fault. And the other issues were really your fault as well, they didn't make you slam your face into a door. You shook your head. Kindness isn't an excuse to let your guard down or to forgive the actions-

"Wait, what the fuck is an Armada?"

Zek gave a look that told you that was a dumb question.

"The Armada is the ship we are currently on? It's the Mothership for our whole operation."

Interesting. You felt kind of special being on a Mothership. You also recognized the name, possibly that weird big headed kid Dib had said it before? Who knows at this point. You sighed.

"Would you like a tour of your habitat?"

"Yes, a tour would be great, but could you please stop calling it a habitat or environment?"
He seemed confused.

"But that's what this is, it's a habi-"

"Please? Just call it my room."

He nodded in compliance. He motioned with his arms to the entire room. "This is the main living space, it has a bed and wardrobe." You looked at your surroundings, the same magenta colour theme, more visible given the room had a proper light source beyond the big-ass window. There was a twin bed pushed into one of the corners. Although it was small, it looked comfortable and you were glad you'd be sleeping with a duvet again. On of the strangest details was the carpet, a deep red that spread across the whole floor, it was shallow and felt nice on your feet.
There were three doors in the room in total, one was a double door, with the Bull symbol carved onto it. 

"Where do the doors go?"

"One leads out into the hallway, that's the one we came through."


"The double door is the wardrobe, to access it you just press your hand to the panel next to it. And this one,"

He walked through the final door, you followed behind him.

"Is the bathroom you requested, I hope it's satisfactory."

It was fairly cramped. Everything had room to function, but two people being in there at once was difficult, although Zek's small size made it easier. The room was nice though. It was mostly black with mostly dark red lighting colour , which you hadn't really seen anywhere else here. The room was very sleek and everything in it seemed quite rounded and smooth. The material everything was made of seemed to be a kin to marble. Fancy. 

"I will allow you to check everything is satisfactory and then I will take you to your work station where you will begin your task. And here," He grabbed your wrist suddenly and clipped something around it, a heavy metal bracelet, or maybe shackle, "Since you are a human the doors don't automatically open for you, this will get rid of that problem."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2021 ⏰

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