Chapter 5; Babe!

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Monday, Feburary 27th

9:15 am

As Carla, Marie and I walked through the front doors people stopped to glance at my hair. It had turned out as a bright  orange-red colour. I love it!

*'Jadea, babe. You look good' Simi came up behind me and start twirlling my hair between his fingers.

'1; I am not your "babe", and 2; I thought you believed all rangas ate souls and bathed in the blood of newborns.' I glared at him willing him to let go of my hair.

'Somehow, my opinions have been differed. Maybe you had something to do with it babe?', he responded totally ignoring my negetivity towards him calling me that.

'I told you not to cal--', I started, staring at him with a look that would make Greek gods s**t themselves as Marie so kindly described it to me, but I was interuppted by him being dragged away by his mates.

'See you babe!', he shouted at me.

I turned to Marie and Carla,

'If I murder him how long will I spend in gaol?', I asked.

'However long it takes for them to prepare the electric chair.', they said in unison.

'I can deal with that.' 

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