Chapter 24: New Home, New People

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Mousy's POV:

"Cuz it's too cold~ for you here~ and now so let me-"

"Mousy, PLEASE- YOU'VE BEEN SINGING FOR 2 HOURS STRAIGHT-" Torcher pleaded me to stop singing. Robby just laughed.

"You've been counting the hours?" He asked.

"No, but we left the Outpost 2 hours ago, and she's been singing literally the whole drive," Torcher replied.

"I have NOT been singing the whole time!" I squeaked. Torcher glared at me.

"Uhh, well maybe I have, but what's wrong with that? All three of us love music, so-"

"But you're singing songs I don't know, so it's getting annoying!" Torcher explained.


"Yeah, I don't know the songs, I haven't heard of the one you're singing right now either,"

"YOU'VE NEVER HEARD OF SWEATER WEATHER?" I cried. He shook his head.

"ROBBY- Put on the song RIGHT NOW! He needs to hear that beautiful song!"

"But-... whatever," Robby pulled out his phone and turned on the song. It only took a few seconds before both the boys were vibing to the song.

"Wait, this song is actually really sexual, why do you listen to this, Mousy-" Torcher stopped vibing.

"Shh-" I snickered.

~Time skip~

"We're in the city now, guys! Look!" I exclaimed. After a 2 and a half hour drive, we finally arrived at the new city.

Torcher and Robby looked up from their phones, and looked around.

This city was huge! There was so many people, and cars, and buildings, and signs, etc. There was barely any of this in Lucella.

(Btw, Lucella is the city that Piggy took place in, I saw on Google .w.)
(So that's the city's name, Lucella-)

I stopped at a red light, then didn't know where to go.

"Ughh-" I sighed.

"What's wrong, Cupcake?"

"I don't know this city at all, Robby! How am I supposed to find the correct house?"

Robby pulled out his phone and went to Google maps.

"What's the house number? Or the street it's down?"

I stole his phone from him and typed in the address. I stared at the directions for a while, memorizing it.

"Alright I know where to go now," I smiled, handing Robby back his phone.

"Wait, Mousy can we stop somewhere for food first? It's 7pm, and I'm hungry," Torcher complained.

"Yeah, uhh-. Robby, look up some restaurants we could go to please," I smiled, driving away from the intersection.

"The street next to ours has some stores and restaurants, you got lucky Torcher," Robby mumbled.

"Yess," Torcher whispered. I rolled my eyes.

"Soo, can we drop off the car at the house and walk over there?" I asked.

"Go ahead," Robby said. I nodded and pulled up in front of the house.

"Ta-da!" I squealed, getting out of the car. Torcher and Robby stared at the house in awe.

"What, were you expecting it to be smaller? It's a three bedroom house! It has to be big!" I laughed, texting someone about my arrival. It was the man selling the house. He said when I get here, then he would come over and give us the keys.

"Are We Supposed To Be In Love?" A Torcher x Soldier StoryWhere stories live. Discover now