Chapter 19: The Factory

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We were running from a man that had a propeller in his chest.
"Shit a dead end!" I yell as the man starts to near us.
Before he could get any closer Ethan pulled me to a trash shoot.
After a while we fell into what looked like a scrapyard.
"What was that thing?" I asked.
"This place is messed up. We've gotta get upstairs." Ethan said...ignore my question which I guess was understandable since I'm sure he wouldn't have an answer.
When we climbed out of the scrapyard we found Duke.
"Hello Duke" I smile to him.
"Oh! Well hello my dear! How goes your adventure?"
"'s ok I guess" I shrugged as I neared him.
"Well is there anything you would like to buy?"
I looked around the shop making some purchases and Ethan does the same.
Once we finished I thanked Duke again and we walked to the next area.
We were now inside a workshop after fighting countess lycans.
I found a journal. It had big, somewhat messy hand writing in it.
'Must be....we'll obviously is....Heisenberg's journal.'
'Mechanical Soldier: Soldat
ver. 1.00
Fully-grown male corpse used.
Removed heart and implanted Cadou.
Muscle stimulation via electric shock was successful.
Brain dead so no high cognitive ability.
Only moves by destructive instinct, then stops.
Mechanical Soldier: Soldat
ver. 1.01
Attached headgear to the cranium.
Electrodes confirm stable brainwaves.
Experiment One: lycan fight.
Was dismantled and eaten within three minutes.
Issues with destructive and murderous capabilities.
Mechanical Soldier: Soldat
ver. 1.10
Replaced lower part of arm with drill.
Not enough output for effective movement.
Need live bodies perhaps?
Mechanical Soldier: Soldat
ver. 1.15
Implanted Cadou reactor into the chest.
Output greatly increased.
Experiment Two: lycan fight
Destroyed three lycans in one minute.
Good results but issues with reactor durability.
May stop functioning if the reactor is destroyed.'
I guess Ethan was reading it over my shoulder because when he spoke it surprised me a bit.
"So he do this too? Can't surprise me anymore."
"He's like a fucked up Dr. Frankenstein...but it is interesting"
"How is this interesting (Y/n)?"
"Well I mean...he controls metal so he used that to his advantage and put metal inside of these test subjects...which means he can control them whenever, probably wherever, he wants"
"....ok good point"
I nod with a satisfied smile.
"Thank you"
After I say that though, the soldat that was in the room began to attack...Ethan....Only...Well that's strange...
"Ethan focus on the red light"
Ethan does as I say and shoots it with my help. Eventually the light explodes and the soldat dies.
"It seemed to ignore you completely" Ethan states.
"Yeah...that was odd"
'If Heisenberg can control that would be crazy, he wouldn't...although...he does seem to have taken a liking towards me...'
Ethan picked up a cog that the soldat dropped.
"Hmm could use this"
He stuffs it into the backpack and leaves.

We used the cog to fix the backup generator. Because of this the factor turns on and everything starts to move and make noises. This meant that the conveyer belt that was holding the soldats started to move.
A loud speaker started to make some noise making me jump backwards into Ethan.
"Sorry" I whispered as I picked myself back up. Ethan set his hands on my shoulder and turned his head up to listen to the speaker.
"Oh Ethan, such a disappointment." He pauses and a soldat starts to come at us.
"Shit" we shoot the soldat and kill him as Heisenberg continues to speak.
"I thought we could join forces against that bitch Miranda. Truly, truly disappointing. She took me. Took us. To be her children. She locked us away in the village. Decades of being forced to serve her. Can you even understand that humiliation? I'm not like my siblings. I want nothing more than to be free of that bitch. So I need power. I need enough power to destroy her. These are the fruits of my power. The strong will destroy the weak. That's the way of the world! You should have never refused me, Ethan. And you know what's funny! Your wife was willing to join me too!"
Ethan turned to me with a 'what!' face. I looked away and listened.
"She knows! She knows that Miranda needs to be taken down! And that with help from an insider it could actually work! Now I'm sure she doesn't see eye-to-eye with me on the fact of using your daughter but I'm sure she would have tried to compromise! Truly a disappointment Ethan."
The speakers turned off.
"Are you fucking kidding me (Y/n)!"
"Don't yell at me! You know as well as I do that it's better to have one more person on our side! Why should we fight him too when he obviously wants out of this! Ethan that man has been trapped here against his will! He doesn't want to be here and will obviously do what it takes to get out!" I flail my arms around to show all the soldats and how he was willing to make an army to take her down.
"(Y/n) they're all PSYCHOPATHS!"
"ETHAN! Listen to me please! I know that you want to save Rose...I do! Because I do too! She's my fucking daughter for God's sake! But I want to get out of here alive! I want to be able to actually see my daughter not see her for two seconds and then die!"
I stopped talking and looked at Ethan. He was deep in thought.
"Ok...ok, I'll think about it but the second he tries anything I will not hesitate to put a bullet through his head."
"Well now we have to get through this whole fucking factory because you refused to join so let's go"
We were in another part of the factory. It kind of looked like a fucked up hospital.
I found a tape recorder and pressed play.
"Medical log, revitalization surgery. This is my... 18th attempt. Subject is Oskar the stable boy, 20 years old. He fell down the well while drunk. Body's in good condition. Chest incision complete. Now to remove the heart and vital organs, and implant the control device. Excellent. Cadou has begun adhering to the nervous system, It's progressing even faster than before. It seems upping the ratio, of meta-albumin in the artificial blood was the right choice. Now to pass a current through the brain stem using 6600V. Come on... it has to work this time. Yes... Yes! Hahaha! Wonderful! My creation! At last! I'll get that bitch yet! Hahaha! ...Ending recording."
We walk out of the room when the dude with a propeller comes around a corner.
"You again" I groan.
Ethan pulls me running away from the guy again.
Eventually we stumble upon Duke again.
"Ohhh Duke! Hello again!"
"Hello Winters. I've expanded my services. Please, come take a look."
We shop and then leave once again.
The speaker goes off again though.
"Miranda thinks we're nothing but children. Oh she doesn't care for us, no. She's long lost all her humanity. I must destroy her..."
"I really don't care"
"Ethan! Seriously!"
Before I could say anything to Heisenberg the speakers turn off again.
"Goddamn it"
I look up in frustration but here Ethan speak again.
"Another one?"
"Another what?" When I look down I see two more soldats.
We kill them and find a note.
"Soldat Enhancement: Soldat Jet
Attached a jet pack and head stabilizers to a Soldat. Greatly improves mobility.
Experiments prove limited flight capabilities.
No long-distance flight, but now possible to navigate rugged terrain.
Soldat Enhancement: Soldat Panzer
Attached aluminum alloy shielding to a Soldat to protect chest reactor and exposed flesh.
Experimentation proves he is against regular firearms.
Armor doesn't hold up against strong blasts.
Further development needed."
"Hmm ok...I'll keep this in mind" I read over the paper again before walking out.
We walk through a corridor when a giant fan turns on and sucks us towards it.
Ethan and I shoot it causing it to explode. We dropped to the floor when a giant blade came towards us.
"Look out!" Ethan covers me with his body as the blade nearly misses us.
"That was close" I sigh out.
"Yeah, too close"
He stands up and then helps me us. We walk towards the now broken fan and walk inside to find a elevator.
'I hope we're able to get out of this goddamn factory and help Heisenberg... why does this have to be so hard!?'

Book 2: The Village (Ethan Winters x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon