Chapter 13: Lord Beneviento

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We keep walking when Mia appears again.
"Rose feels different. (Y/n), you have to fix her..."
"What the hell is she talking about (Y/n)?"
"I have no clue"
'What is going on!?'
"Everyone leaves me...I don't want to be alone..."
"What?" I question again as we continue to walk forward.
We come to an opening. There is a grave in the middle. The grave belonged to someone named "—a Beneviento 1987-1996"
"Am I loosing it?" Ethan asks as he starts to walk around.
I sigh and look down at the grave.
'Poor kid'
I look back up and walk towards Ethan taking his hand because I don't like the feeling of this place.
We walked to a tomb that had an inscription saying 'give up your memories'.
Ethan pulled out a photo of Rose, Ethan and I and put it into the slot.
The door opened and we walked in.
We were inside an elevator that started to go up quickly. I gripped Ethan's hand a little harder as the lights flickered. When the lights turned off completely I pushed myself into Ethan to hide my face while gripping my gun for if in case. I felt Ethan wrap around me too when the elevator came to a sudden stop. When we stopped and pulled apart there was writing by the elevator button.
"Come with me, Winters"
"What the fuck is going on" I question yet again.
"I don't know but I don't like this place already."
"Me too" I walk out with my gun raised.
We walked into a mansion that was on top of a mountain. When we fully got in we instantly started to search the house but we didn't find anything so decided to use the elevator to go down.
We walk around until we end up in a doll making workshop. Sitting on a chair was a creepy looking fool holding a jar. I run up to grab the second part of my daughter.
'Why did they have to split her apart?'
As soon as I thought that and reached for my daughter the lights went out.
"I've been waiting for so long... I'd make a much better daughter than Rose. Please won't you stay with me forever?" The person speaking laughed crazily.
"What?" Ethan and I ask when the lights turn back on.
"Wait where's my gun!" Ethan shouts as he feels around my body.
I start doing the same.
"My weapons are gone too" I groan in frustration.
"Why does this happen to us?" I questioned as I looked around the room.
There were a ton of dolls hanging around the room and a life size Mia doll on the table.
I look around and see a key. When I grab it the radio starts to spew out sounds.
"Whoa, that's a kick! Can you believe it? S-She's so energetic, it's crazy!"
This was when Mia came over after hearing that Ethan and I were having a girl. She was so excited for us and kept telling me how she hoped Chris and her would have a kid in the future.
Ethan and I continue to examine the doll. We found a winding key and a blood covered amulet. We used the silver key to unlock the door with a huge picture of this key. In the room, i washes the amulet and noticed that it is an exact copy of Mia's amulet that I got her for her birthday. Inside of the amulet was a picture of us three hugging each other after the baker incident....I may not like her sometimes but she was a good friend....sometimes. On the other side was the date of when the picture was taken. Ethan entered the date into a code lock which opened up to the house. We continued to explore the house. Ethan was looking in a room. I walked in after a few second checking to make sure no one was in the hall. When I walked in I saw Ethan standing by our wedding music box.
"How did that get here?"
"I'm not sure...but it's out of order so come help me"
I nod and stand close to him as we try and solve the "puzzle". Once we finish the music plays and we get tweezers.
I grab them and go back to the Mia doll. I open her mouth because I remember seeing something inside.
I stuck the tweezers in and pulled out a film. The radio went off again.
"Oh god, no... You, you can't tell Ethan anything but this."
'Oh no'
This was the day I told Mia what was going on with Rose.
When Ethan and I got to umbrella we were cured since we were in fact infect. Luckily we weren't incredibly infected since we were only there a day and a half. But because their cure wasn't like the one Mia had Ethan and I had some side affects. One being how we could regenerate/heal so quickly. There were a few others as well but I didn't care because I was happy to be cured and with the love of my life. When Rose was born I found of because of this she had a high chance of inherited some of those abilities and could possible be a little bit of a goopie herself but I wasn't sure.
"(Y/n)....what is she talking about?"
"Ethan...I-I have to tell you once we are out of here...I was going to tell you because you know I don't keep things from you...I was going to wait for the next doctors appointment to make sure if it was true or lot before I told you..."
He sighed, "ok...I trust are always honest with me so I don't see why I should stop trusting you now...BUT you better tell me what the hell she was talking about later"
"I will I promise" I stuck out my pinky to which Ethan chuckled and linked his pinky with mine.
"Now let's get out of here"
We walk to the film room and set the film down. There was a note by all of the films.
"Ok Ethan I'll read this and you put the films in order."
"Our Happy Family
1. Rose's best friend in the whole wide world.
2. She really likes this fairytale.
3. The most important thing in the world to us.
4. A wedding gift from grandma.
5. Proof of Ethan's everlasting love for (Y/n).
...what the hell?"
"This is too weird" Ethan says as he places the films in order then backs up.
He stands close to me as the film starts. The film wasn't like what the note said. Instead we saw a well with a ladder in some catacombs.
After the film finished, the screen fell down, and the cabinet slides away. Behind the cabinet there's a door. The room looked to be a storing room for dolls. One of them had scissors in their hand. I took them and cut through bloody bandages that were blocking the way.
We get to another part of the house. I saw a phone and tried it but it wasn't working.
"Of course"
Ethan walks by and the phone starts ringing.
"Huh! Why doesn't it work for m?"
Ethan shrugged before picking up the phone.
"Mia.... Mia, what are you talking about?"
"What was she saying?"
"That she didn't want to loose us?"
'That's strange?'
We walked back to the Mia doll.
I walk up to it and cut off the bandages. Inside her chest was a brass medallion. When I picked it up the lights flickered and Mia started to speak over the radio again.
She was crying saying my name.
...I'm not sure when this was though.
Ethan takes the medallion and goes to the other door that needed it.
After he solved the puzzle, he opened the door and we walk through the creepy old basement. As we walked further we find the well with the stairs.
We go downstairs and finds the 'Breaker Box Key'. Around the box though, there were a ton of broken dolls.
We ,well I, quickly run upstairs... but all of the lights were out...
As we walk, a child's crying comes from somewhere...
I looked down and noticed traces of blood on the floor.
Suddenly Mia's voice breaks through the silence.
"It'll be fine. It'll be fine. It'll be fine. It'll be fine. It'll be fine. It'll be fine."
"What is she on about?" I whispered as I crept down the hall with Ethan on my left.
We follow the blood trail when we see a giant deformed baby.
'Oh fuck my life'

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