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I woke up to rumbling from the ground above and screaming from people of the city before hearing the voice of zeldris in my head once again 'where are you?' 'I'm below the castle, why? It's not like you can help me' 'just keep an eye on your surroundings ok?' 'Ok but I still don't understand why you are asking that'

I was bought out of my thoughts when I heard the rusty door to the prison area open. I held my breath as I felt my heartbeat rise. I heard a man's voice boom thought the empty halls "are you sure she's down here? This is a prisoner's area" I heard two sets of footsteps slowly walking through the halls while opening every cell 'who are they looking for?' "Trust me brother, she's my soulmate I could tell when she's lying and what she told me was the truth, lets keep looking"

I heard one sigh before hearing the door to the cell next to me open as I turned to my side silently and pretended to sleep before my cell door opened and I heard a sigh of relief and a person enter my cell before feeling myself being lifted up into someone's arms. The last thing I heard was the person carrying me say "I found her brother" and the other person took me out of the man's arms as a calming presence wash over me really sending me to sleep.

Short zeldris seriesWhere stories live. Discover now