Unknown Meeting.

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TW: Alcohol, Underage Drinking.

After the silence had settled in Harper's home and the tears had stopped streaming down her face, Harper had admitted defeat in that she was going to boarding school, and she knew that she was going to be shipped out on first light if her parents had their way about it. But Harper wasn't going to drown in her sorrows any longer, jumping up from her floor and starting herself in the mirror. Harper wiped the dried mascara from her face and began to pound her face with make-up again, making her look like the baddie she knew she was.

Many minutes went past and Harper had finally finished her glam and slicked back her hair into a low pony tail. She wasn't going to keep herself in her bedroom all evening, instead she decided to do what she did best, which was leave without anyone noticing and come back when the sun was starting to shine. She was aiming not be called home by the Police this time, but she could only hope that wouldn't happen. Might as well make her last moments at home a worth while memory, Harper couldn't pick the next time she would even want to be in the company of her parents after today.

She styled herself in a tight black, body con dress, slipping her phone, fake ID and card into her purse, starting to make a beeline for the window. Harper flung her heels out onto the front lawn and started to shimmy down the drain pipe. Once her feet landed on the ground, she scooped her shoes and ran off down the roads towards the city, wanting to hit up one of her favourite clubs, knowing all her friends would be there. Harper held onto her heels and pulled down her dress as she ran, her feet getting grimy from the streets around her.

Before Harper knew it, the bass of the music flooded her ears from the outside, slipping into her black heels as she made her way to the entrance. It was quiet out in the city, but this made Harper happier, knowing she wouldn't get hit on by creeps, even if she was going to say no, most of the time. She flashed a confident smile along with her ID card and headed on inside, not getting a second look from the bouncers. The club was packed out, Harper squeezing through to the bar, ordering her regular, vodka and coke. She clung to her drink and her purse as she shimmed her way through the crowds, making it to her friendship group with easy, starting off her night with a bang.

Hours had passed, many drinks had been consumed and the club was starting to whittle down with people, Harper and her friendship group being one of the very few people that were left. All night long she had been dancing with her friends, forgetting the past hours of her life, growing her sorrows in vodka shots and tequila shots. Whilst she was dancing with her friends, Harper couldn't help but catch the eye of a lady in the distance, seeing her friends leave her behind. There was no doubt in Harper's mind that this woman was absolutely stunning, one of the only people to catch her eye that evening . However, this unsettled Harper slightly, not wanting the woman to be left drunk in a club, alone.

"I'll be right back" Harper called over the music to her best friend, Casey, pointing over at the woman standing alone. Casey only smirked at the girl, earning an eye roll from Harper. Harper pushed through the remaining people that were crowded close to her, pulling the woman closely as she spoke. Harper felt the alcohol start to hit her system, her words slightly slurred, but still clear to hear. "Excuse me, would you dance with me? No pretty lady should be left standing alone." Harper called, a small smirk gracing her lips.

The woman softly giggled and blushed as she emptied her drink into her mouth, pulling herself and Harper onto the dance floor. "It would be my pleasure. I couldn't keep my eyes away from you all night, I'm glad you came over." The woman spoke to Harper, Harper catching onto a thick American accent, definitely something she didn't hear too often in the countryside of the UK. The two woman stood close as they danced in to each other, both keeping their eyes on each other and their arms wrapped around their waists. 

"I'm Harper by the way, what's your name?"

"Scarlett, Scarlett Johansson."

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