Chapter 34 - Spies among us

Start from the beginning

"I've heard about the same myself." Heinrick nodded, leaning back in his chair. He'd poured himself another glass but didn't appear affected in the slightest. In response to Richards surprised look he added, "I may leave the politics to the experts," He held his hands out, palms up, "But that donna mean I don't hear a thing or two from other friends."

"You have friends outside of here?" Richard sounded so doubtful that I choked on my wine and quickly looked away when Heinrick glared at me.

"Ones that don't like you for starters." He prickled.

"If the Imperial faction is turning from Donner, then which faction is on his side? The Mercantile?" Eclis turned back to Richard. Of all the men in the room Richard was the expert on politics. I couldn't help but worry about just how truthful he would be with us. In the book it was made out to seem like Richard had stayed by Eclis' side simply because he was a spy and needed to be there. Right now, talking to him like this made it feel like he was actually on our side. It made me sad.

Richard waved his hand as if to shoo the thought away, "The Mercantile faction only represents the interests of the merchants and markets throughout Ganimede. They do not care about the emperor," Richard emphasized using his title as if to chastise Eclis, "They will do what ever they think is in the best interest of their constituents. To add to the situation, the Dominion faction has always opposed many of the policies the emperor has proposed but recently they have been even less willing to compromise. They want more powers for the lesser races in Ganimede and the Emperor has so far failed to deliver on these demands."

"Why do you look so worried about that E-Duke." I nearly called him by his name!! WOOPS. Eclis' eyes darted to mine and held them for a long moment. I felt like a deer caught in the glow of headlights, I couldn't look away. Thankfully, he didn't mention my slip up and answered after what felt like an hour.

"The less influence an emperor had over his court, the more likely revolts or civil wars would be." I nodded.

"And that's the last thing we want right?" He nodded somberly.

Richard sighed, looking gravely between each of us before producing some papers from the pocket inside his jacket. "I commissioned the guild to provide some insight into the rumors circulating among the common people." He handed them to Eclis who began scanning their contents quickly. While Eclis read, Richard summarized the reports for me and Heinrick. "There is talk that the emperor only cares about the vampires and nobles. many of the races are discontent, even comparing his rule to that of the humans."

"Bah, they say that because they never lived under humans. The mortal races were always like this." Heinrick shook his head.

"Even so, the faith the people have in the Empire is weakened. They were only able to keep the Elves withdrawal a secret for so long. More rumors lead to more talk of civil war." Richard sounded very grave, every so often sneaking a concerned look at me.

Eclis' expression darked as he finished the report. I realized I needed to warn him that there would be a civil war, or at least in the book there would be. Heinrick and Richard were here though, and of the two at least one couldn't be trusted with the info I knew. I bit my lip. There would be another chance to warn him, now wasn't the right time.

"Spit it out Jasmine." Heinrick had been watching me and had leaned forward again, resting his elbow on his knee while he regarded me. I hesitated.

"If a civil war does break out, I think Tyrra will launch an attack by airship." I didn't just think it. I knew they would. Eclis was forced by the emperor to quell the civil war even in his weakened state. After barely surviving that and without even winning it yet, he then had to re-liberate half the continent from the Tyrrans who had launched an airship attack amidst the chaos. It was only because of the Elves that he'd managed to get things under control, but by the end of the story things were not resolved between Tyrra, Ganimede, nor the Dominion.

I'm Just a Nameless Side Character in a Vampire Romance NovelWhere stories live. Discover now