Chapter 18

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The court gave your dad even more time with you

Now you get to stay with your dad for three weeks every month and your mom gets only one week with you, since your dad proved she's rarely home anyways, so why can't he have more time with you when he wants the longer time

And your mom doesn't need all that time with you if she rarely uses it

*I'm so happy I get more time with y/n, I'm so happy like all I want is to know my daughter more! And now I get even more time during the summer and I'm so happy I get more time* your dad thinks as he was hugging you as your mother just left after it was said you'd get more time with your dad

Your dad then just said I'll bring you back to school myself

You and your dad just talked and laughed as you both were going back to Hogwarts

"Now y/n I know you wanna live with me, but that won't happen I'm sorry." Your dad says and you sigh

"I hate mom's place." You mutter and your dad looked confused

"Y/n something you need to tell me?" Your dad says and you shake your head

"No dad everything is perfect don't worry I love mom's place! Just I love your place more don't worry life is absolutely perfect!" You say and your dad didn't believe you

*I really need Harry to figure out what's up with his sister, because I can't get full custody of y/n unless she says her mother is abusing her, and if I get y/n to say it I can get full custody and get y/n away from her mother! because I don't want y/n to be getting hurt! I have to protect my daughter*

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