Chapter 15

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After you and Harry finish telling what your dad told you both

"So why do you both not like to talk about it?" Fred asks and you sigh

"Because we just don't like to talk about it, that's all." Harry says and you nod

"Yeah so I was a mistake even if dad would never call me that." You say and everyone was confused why you didn't say your mom as well

"What about your mom?" Hermione asks and you stay quiet then try and figure away out of the situation

"Oh yo look at that." You say walking off and everyone was shocked you just walked off then ran away?

"Harry is your sister ok?" Fred asks and Harry shrugs

"I don't know I do hope she's ok, but I'm worried for her I just wish she would talk to me! Why isn't she talking to me!" Harry says obviously upset

"Hey maybe her and her mom have some problems? Like you said her mom is rarely home? So maybe she thinks her mom hates her?" George asks and Fred nods

"Hey who knows maybe her home life isn't good." Ron says and Harry sighs he's worried for you he wished you talked to him more like he's your older brother! He's supposed to be there for you and annoy you

And he hates how you never talk to him when you obviously need someone to talk to

*I just wanna know why my sister never talks to me, or even our dad! I don't understand! Like what's going on at her moms that makes her act so weird when we bring up her mom, like what's up with her mom that makes her run away from a conversation? Like um wow how bad is her relationship with her mom?*

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